“Yep.” I wince as I try to will my cock to go down. “Ahhh.” I lie back in pain. Sweat covers my brow.
“What’s wrong with you?” She frowns as her eyes stay fixed on the screen.
“Ahh, this piercing.” I lean back on the bed as my cock nearly tears in half.
“What?” She stops what she’s doing. “Is it really that bad?”
I nod.
“Can I see?”
“You don’t want to.” I shake my head. “I can’t even look at it.”
“Show me.”
I pull the tip of my cock up and over the waistband of my boxer shorts.
Her eyes widen in horror. “You pierced through the entire head?”
I nod as my face screws up.
“Oh my god, Blake.” She jumps out of bed. “You need to take that out. What the fuck were you thinking?”
“It’s supposed to be incredible during sex.” I screw up my face in pain. “Once you get through this healing part.”
It’s then that I look up, and I can see her entire body through her nightdress.
Curves and voluptuous breasts and a small patch of dark pubic hair. My loins begin to tingle.
Thump, thump, thump goes my cock.
Arousal screams through my blood, and this time, it does nearly tear the tip of my dick clean off.
“Ahhh.” I lie back.
“Why is it hurting so bad?” she cries.
“Because your nightdress is making me fucking hard.”
She glances down at herself and then sees what I see. She screams and runs into the bathroom.
I lie in pain. “Can you get me some ice, please?”
“Bec,” I call. “I’m dying here.”
“Hang on, you idiot,” she calls. She comes out in her bathrobe and begins to riffle through her suitcase. “I cannot believe you came in here when I was practically naked and then started packing heat.” She storms back into the bathroom.
“Don’t take it personal.” I wince as I lie back. “All boobs make me hard.”
“Oh my god,” she calls. “I’m going to reception to get ice. Stay there.”
“Where else am I going to go like this?”
“To the fucking hospital.”
She marches out and slams the door as perspiration wets my skin.