Page 168 of The Bonus

“That’s why we both have black hair.” Lucia smiles up at Gabriel, totally unfazed. She reaches up and touches his hair.


“And we both have brown eyes.”

“We do.” He smirks down at her.

I glance into the living room to see Dom pointing the remote at the television.

Damn it, why did he have to react the way he did, perhaps I should have told him in private before we came.

Lucia bounces back over, sits down and begins to eat her pizza while Gabriel and I sit in silence, every now and then his eyes roam into the living room back to Dominic.

The mood is heavy, and I have no idea what’s going through Gabriel’s head, but I can’t even begin to imagine how he’d feel.

Hearing his only son say that he doesn’t want a father… Ouch.

What a mess.

This is my fault; it was too much too soon. We should have told them at our house, where Dominic felt comfortable and safe in his own environment.

Ugh, you idiot.

Gabriel chews his pizza, and disgust flashes across his face.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I don’t know what kind of pizza this is, but good god, it’s bad.” He curls his lip and drops it back onto his plate.

Poor bastard can’t even get a decent pizza in this place. I think of all the things I’ve served him up to eat over the last few weeks and I can’t hide my smile.

“What’s so funny?” he asks dryly.

“You are a food snob.”

“I…” his eyebrows flick up as he searches for a comeback, “…openly admit that I prefer edible food.”

I get the giggles.

“Glad you find this amusing.” He opens another pizza box and peers in, he narrows his eyes as he focuses on something. “Is that pineapple?” He picks a piece off and flicks it onto the plate. “What the…”

“Just eat it.”

He takes a bite and winces as he chews in slow motion.


“This one is a little better…I guess.” He shrugs.

“I’ve finished,” Lucia announces. “May I be excused from the table?”

“You may,” I tell her. She bounces off into the living room to sit with her brother.

“Pay no attention to Dominic, this is my fault,” I whisper.

He raises an eyebrow as if agreeing with me.

“I just meant that we should have told him at my house.”