Page 99 of Kept in the Dark

Finally, Hailey said, “Maybe you weren’t doing the right thing. And thirteen years ago, I probably would have blamed you, but we’re not teenagers anymore. This isn’t your fault, even if it feels like it.”

Sara shook her head. “If I hadn’t been so desperate to get back at Dad, Carter wouldn’t be dead.” She pointed to herself. “I’ve been suffering for years because of him. When will it be his turn?!”

Hailey didn’t know what to say. She had often wondered the same thing.

Hailey sat silently and Sara kept her gaze on the stars as if they held all the answers. But they didn’t, they only held secrets.

Finally, Sara said, “What if I have this darkness inside of me that's just waiting to take over? I feel it. I feel this compulsion to give into what I know is wrong. I hate him so much, but I might be everything I hate about him.”

“You’re nothing like him. What you hate about him, the parts of him that he used to destroy people, you used to survive.”

“How do you know? I’m so scared I won’t be able to come back from this dark place.”

“Because you’re scared of it. Because you know it’s darkness.” Hailey sighed. “Dad thrives on darkness. It molded him into a monster. But you…it didn’t mold you; it broke you. And you survived, despite everything he’s done to you.”

Sara simply gave a nod as tears silently streamed down her face. They both looked back at the stars, content with each other’s company.

Thirteen years ago, these same stars watched as Sara’s freedom was stripped from her, a part of her dying right along with their mother.

And thirteen years ago, these same stars watched as Hailey’s body and soul bled, her whole world crumbling around her.

Now, these stars would watch the two of them pick up the pieces and rise from the horror they had endured at the hands of their father.

July 7, 2011

12:37 pm

Sara was hesitant to accept Trinity’s invitation to go to the spa. Her niece had all but given her the cold shoulder since they met. But after Trey’s shooting and Ryan’s attack, the teen seemed to be coming around.

So here she was, her feet in a pedicure bowl, as she, Trinity, Genevieve, and Cecilia got pampered. It had been a long time since Sara had even thought about getting her nails done. She used to look forward to her weekly spa dates with her mother and sister. Now she felt out of place.

Plus, she was still healing from her run-in with Ryan from three days earlier.

Though Hailey had gotten the brunt of Ryan’s rage, Sara hadn’t gotten away unscathed. Her lip was still healing and the bruise on her cheek beckoned stares from everyone. Trinity and Hailey tried to help cover it with makeup but the dark purple still peeked through.

Sara tried to relax as Trinity shared her life plans, but she found it difficult. She lived in a constant state of paranoia and caution, which was now magnified. It didn’t help that she was running on fumes and was nearly depleted both emotionally and physically.

Once again, her gaze swept across the spa as she assessed the building for danger. Gavin was doing the same as he stood near the entrance.

Ryan still hadn’t been caught and now David had disappeared. According to Trey, even Lauren didn't know where he was. Sara knew it was only a matter of time before there was more bloodshed.

She prayed Gavin wouldn’t be the next body to fall. She was still coming to terms with Carter’s death and if something happened to Gavin, she’d never forgive herself. Despite her best efforts, she was quickly falling for the even-tempered man.

Even in his grief, he was aware of her in ways no one else was. His ability to understand her both terrified and thrilled Sara. He knew what she needed long before she ever voiced it to him. And when she had cried over the loss of their friend, he had given her the privacy she desperately needed. He didn’t feel the need to fix things as many men did. He was content with her emotions, however erratic or absent they may be.

Trinity’s voice brought Sara back to reality. “I want to become a doctor one day, but I don't know what kind. I just want to help people.” She shrugged. “It helps that they make a lot of money, too.”

Sara was amused by the girl. She was actually more like Sara than she was like Hailey: sarcastic, blunt, and sometimes somber. She wasn’t sure if it was simply the hormones of being a teenager, but Sara enjoyed having someone mirror the traits that many didn’t understand.

“That’s cool. So, what do you do for fun?” Sara rolled her eyes at herself. What a lame question. But truthfully, she didn’t know how to hold a conversation with an adult, let alone a teenager.

“I usually read and just hang with friends…dance. Sometimes I’ll go to the movies, but Mom doesn’t let me do a lot of stuff.”

“Your mom sounds lame,” Sara teased.

Trinity snickered as Genevieve said, “Sara, stop being ugly.”

Sara smiled and winked at Genevieve and the woman giggled alongside them. It reminded Sara of the days when she and Hailey would fight, and Genevieve would make them hold hands until they could get along.