Sirens in the distance pierced her ears. She just hoped they made it in time.
Now, all Sara could do was wait to see who had been killed.
July 5, 2011
1:58 am
It didn't take long for Angie’s street to be filled with the sound of sirens and strobes of blue and red lights that nearly blinded them. Yellow ribbon taped off Angie’s yard and home, drawing out nosey neighbors who couldn’t help but stare and whisper.
Angie was going to be pissed when she got back from her honeymoon.
Sara sat on the tailgate of Gavin’s truck; a blanket wrapped around her while a paramedic tried to convince Hailey to go to the hospital. She refused to leave Sara’s side, and the man gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes, but she ignored him.
“Leave her alone. Trey will make sure she gets checked out,” Sara said sternly. The man eyed her but then silently walked away.
Thankfully, Hailey’s injuries weren’t life threatening, but her nose had bled on and off and her lip was split open. According to Hailey, she managed to get a hold of the knife Sara had dropped and had stabbed Ryan in the leg. He had run off as soon as Carter came barreling in and Carter chased Ryan out the back door.
Once Gavin had assessed Hailey and had safely gotten her out of the house, he ran after Ryan and Carter. He had seen the back gate open and had followed suit, thinking Carter had chased Ryan out of the yard.
Gavin had found Carter lying face down on the sidewalk, only feet away from Angie’s yard, a single bullet to the skull. From what Trey and Gavin could piece together, Ryan had used the cover of darkness and the fireworks to silence his movements and was able to fire off three shots, one killing Carter.
The Medical Examiner emerged from the house, pushing a body bag on a stretcher. Sara followed it with her gaze until Carter’s body had been carefully loaded into the back of a van. She didn’t break her stare until the van disappeared into the night.
Guilt swept over Sara. She was putting people in danger, and she didn’t know what to do. She wanted revenge, but at what cost?
Sighing to herself, she watched as Trey made his way to the truck. He had discharged himself from the hospital when he heard what had happened and somehow managed to catch a ride with a nurse who had just gotten off shift.
As he walked toward her and Hailey, he winced with every step and clenched his own wound. He had pulled a suture at some point during all the confusion and had to be stitched up again by a paramedic.
Sara was shocked he was still standing, though she knew it was likely due to adrenaline.
He nodded to Gavin who now stood next to him. “Gavin said they didn’t see anyone drive down the street, there was no suspicious activity. They think Ryan might have been here earlier today and left the bathroom window unlocked, then came back by going through the neighbor’s yards. He was probably watching Gavin and Carter for a few hours, trying to figure out their routine.”
Gavin said, “We would walk the perimeter of the house every thirty minutes. I’m guessing he took the opportunity while we were in the truck to jump a few fences and get in through the window.”
“Did you arrest him?” Hailey said, her voice shaking.
Trey said, “We don’t know where he is. He used the traffic from the fireworks show to get away. We put out a BOLO, but nothing has popped yet.”
Trey was trying to contain his anger, but Sara could still see it. She even noticed the fear. She was scared too.
Hailey had stabbed Ryan in the leg and Sara had sliced open his shoulder. How had he gotten away?
With a sigh of defeat, Sara asked, “What happens now?”
“I’m going to take Hailey back to my house and we’ll get Trinity on the way.”
Sara was thankful he didn’t bring up the fact Trinity stayed at Genevieve’s, though he was likely thankful for it at the moment.
Gavin added, “And I’m going to call Carter’s mother and notify her on the way to my house. I need to get a change of clothes before heading to Trey’s.”
Trey said, “From now on, we all stay together. I also have uniforms patrolling my street around-the-clock until we catch Ryan.” He looked at Sara. “You’re welcome to come with us or go with Gavin.”
“His mother is going to be distraught.” Hailey choked out a sob and Trey brought her to his chest. “How could this happen? How does someone like Ryan walk away from this and someone like Carter is about to be buried? A mother should never have to bury her son, Trey!” She pounded his chest, and he held her tighter. “It’s not fair!”
Sara held her breath to keep from crying. She wanted to be numb to the pain, to act like she didn’t feel anything. But she couldn’t. She needed to feel the pain that she brought on…it would be her punishment to bear, and she would feel it fully.
Sara looked at Gavin, whose eyes were red, and face was splotchy. He angrily wiped at the tears that were falling to the ground. She blamed herself for Carter’s death and she expected Gavin to as well. After all, it was ultimately her decision to reopen the case that had brought down this fury. But he extended his hand to Sara, and she took it, grateful for his presence.