Page 95 of Kept in the Dark

Movement on the other side of the room caught her eye, the flashes of light illuminated a shadow hiding on the other side of the room. Hailey let out a blood curdling scream and ran toward Sara. Hailey was tackled to the ground, her phone clattering across the tile. Pain ruptured through her body as she collided with the floor and her breath was knocked from her lungs.

She struggled to move the fog from her mind. Once again, she felt hands tighten around her throat as Ryan began to squeeze. Flashbacks began flooding her as she recalled the last time he tried to kill her.

Just like before, the black hole threatened to swallow her.

She didn’t want to die like this. She didn't want Trey to find her body and have to tell Trinity what happened. She wanted to make things right with Sara. She wanted more time with them.

She had to fight back. She had to get away from this monster.

Then, a force ripped Ryan from her, and he grunted as he crashed to the ground. She sucked in air as quickly as she could, relief filling her.

She knew Trey would save her.

She started calling out to him as she pushed herself off the floor. Disoriented, she shook her head.

No, not Trey. Sara. Sara had saved her.

Sara quickly brought down a knife and sliced his left shoulder blade and Ryan howled in pain. Furious, he went after Sara as she ran toward the front door to get Gavin and Carter. Blood was pouring out of his wound, leaving a trail of violence behind him.

Sara screamed as Ryan grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground and the knife slid across the floor and under the couch. Hailey fervently tried to grasp the weapon, but her arms weren’t long enough. Not waiting a moment longer, Hailey reached out and grabbed Ryans ankle, causing him to stumble. He cursed at her as she yelled, “Run, Sara!”

Sara hesitated.

“Go! Now!” Hailey screamed as she scurried toward the kitchen to get a weapon. She wasn’t sure she’d make it out alive, but she’d die trying if it meant Sara could live.

Sara ran like her life depended on it. She tore through the front door, leaving it open. She darted to the truck that was parked at the edge of the drive, screaming and waving her arms as she did. Gavin and Carter rushed out of the truck when they saw her.

She began crying hysterically. “Ryan is in the house!”

Gavin’s eyes widened as he grabbed her upper arms and studied her face. She brought a hand to her mouth and realized she was bleeding, but she didn’t care. Her sister’s life was in danger.

Carter ran inside, pulling out his pistol as he did.

Gavin handed Sara his phone. “Get in the truck and lock the door. Call 911 and do not get out until they’re here. No matter what.”

She nodded and Gavin followed, gun drawn.

Sara climbed into the driver’s side and locked the door. She called 911 and tried to calm herself down. If she was hysterical, it would take them longer to get there.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“Someone broke into my house and my sister has been hurt. He’s trying to kill her!” She rattled off the address and quickly hung up. Then she searched the phone for Trey’s number.

His voice was groggy, “What’s up?”

“Ryan is here! He’s got Hailey!” Her voice quivered as she tried to keep from crying.

“I’m on my way,” he said and hung up.

She sobbed as she watched red and blue ribbons fill the sky. This was her first Fourth of July being free. But she still felt like she was in prison, shackled and chained to the past that seemed to haunt her and bring chaos and heartache to her family.

Revenge always comes at a price, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to pay it. And now her sister might die because of it.

Another boom vibrated through the air and more ribbons danced in the sky as colors fell to the ground.

Three more booms reverberated through the darkness. But this time it wasn’t fireworks.

It was gunshots.