Hailey studied his face as she caressed his cheek, a lump forming in her throat. She gently kissed him and sat down, taking his hand as she laid her head on his arm. Her shoulders shook with each muffled cry.
“I didn’t realize being called Mrs. Harbor would be so bad you’d cry about it, Princess,” Trey croaked.
Hailey’s head shot up. It took her a moment to realize Trey was awake and talking to her. She laughed through her tears when she realized what he’d said. Then she kissed him, his fingers wiping her tears away.
She said, “I thought I lost you. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
He gave her a side smile and kissed her head. “That’s the trauma talking. You’ll be back to being pissed at me as soon as we leave the hospital.”
She laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat; a melody she’d never take for granted again. He hugged her tight, wincing as he did.
She said, “Probably, but it’s what we do.”
Hailey got up to get the nurse when he grabbed her hand. “Don’t get the nurse yet. I just want to hold you for a little longer.”
She smiled, climbed into the bed with him, and put her head back onto his chest. Then, she quietly said, “I thought you were dead.”
Trey pulled her close. “Me too. I tried to jump in front of you to protect you, but I couldn’t move. And then there was this darkness I just couldn’t fight anymore…”
Her eyes filled with tears again, but she blinked them away, grateful to finally hear his voice. “The ambulance happened to be a mile out and thankfully they were able to life-flight you or you wouldn’t have made it.”
He said, “Did they find who did it?”
Hailey shook her head. “No. They have no idea who it was. They found a shell casing along the tree line so they're running ballistics, but it’ll be a while before they have anything conclusive.”
“How’s Bobby?”
Hailey’s face contorted. “He was shot after he called 911. He didn’t make it.” Hailey started sobbing uncontrollably, his lifeless green eyes still haunting her. She wished she could have done something more, but she knew he was dead as soon as his body hit the ground. She needed to stay with Trey and stop the bleeding. So, she did.
And now Bobby was dead.
He wiped at the tears that were streaming down her face. “I hate that you're crying.”
“Some maniac is trying to kill us, and no one knows who he is! He’s not going to stop until he finishes the job.”
“That won’t happen, I promise.”
She wanted to oppose him but was interrupted. “Chief Harbor,” the nurse said, “I’m so glad to see you're awake.”
Hailey got up as the nurse began taking Trey’s vitals and asking him questions about pain and potential side effects. As she did, Hailey called Sara to bring Trinity in from the waiting room.
The nurse continued to assess Trey’s wounds, causing him to wince. She finally left the room, telling them the doctor would be in shortly.
A few minutes later, Sara and Trinity walked in, followed by Gavin and Carter. As much as Hailey didn't want Trinity to see Trey like this, she knew it was the right thing to do.
Trinity ran to his side and threw herself into his arms. “I just got you. I don’t want to lose you, Dad.”
Hailey teared up again and she noticed her sister’s eyes trained on her as Sara studied Hailey, worry etched on her face. She was clutching Gavin's hand and then quickly brushed it away when she realized Hailey had noticed. Gavin smiled, amused by Sara’s charade.
“Damn, Harbor, you look like death,” Carter said.
“Yeah,” Gavin said, “I don’t know who you pissed off, but tell them to knock it off. I’m trying to work on my love life, and you keep interrupting.”
Sara gasped and smacked the back of her hand into his abdomen. Gavin huffed out air and laughed. He then kissed her temple, and she gave him a look that could kill.
Brave man. Hailey arched a brow at Sara and smiled.
Carter beamed with happiness for his friend. “I’m just glad she can keep you in line.”