Trinity spoke up, “Yeah, Dad hired them as security. Kinda cool, if ya ask me. Makes me feel like I’m in a movie.”
Trey put his hands up when Hailey shot him a look. “I’m not taking any chances after today.”
Trinity peeped up again, “I just think it’s funny that Dad asked your ex-boyfriend to keep an eye on y’all’s kid.”
Gavin’s eyes rounded in horror and Trey shook his head.
Carter smiled. “The kid has jokes. Trinity: twenty points, Mom and Dad: zero. You two better get it together or she’ll be the boss around here.”
“You’re telling me.” Trey said.
Hailey looked at Trinity. “Who told you that?”
Trinity shrugged. “Lauren.”
Hailey inwardly groaned. Hadn’t Lauren gotten the hint the first time Hailey talked to her about sharing details of Hailey’s past?
Trey looked at Trinity. “Listen, Kid, I trust both of these guys.” He pointed toward Gavin and Carter. “So, you listen to whatever they tell you, understand? If they tell you to run, you run. No questions asked.”
Trinity nodded, sensing the severity of the situation.
“How are you feeling?” Gavin asked Hailey, changing the subject.
She sighed. “I’ve been better, but I’m doing okay.”
Gavin stared at Hailey, his eyes narrowed, and his lips turned down at the corners.
“What is it?” Hailey asked.
“Nothing. It’s not my place to say.”
“Just say it.”
Gavin paused before saying, “What you did was really stupid.”
“Thank you, ex-boyfriend!” Trinity said as she threw her arms up in the air.
Carter laughed as Gavin rubbed his face. Sara raised a brow at Trey who shook his head. Hailey simply looked annoyed.
Gavin continued, “You need to be careful. Something is clearly going on, so use your brain and trust your gut. Believe me, my gut has gotten me out of a lot of tough situations. It’s usually right, so listen to it.”
“He’s right, Hailey,” Carter added. “I know we just met, but I’d hate to see something happen to you that could have been avoided. Someone is killing people, and you seem to be right in their sights. That’s serious.”
Trey took her hand, and she looked at him. “Listen, Princess, I know you don’t like being told what to do, but you almost died today. You’ve got to stop being so impulsive. Stop trying to be a hero.”
Hailey looked away, eager for everyone to leave the room. She was a grown woman, and she hated that everyone was treating her like a child…even if they were right.
Trinity chimed in with a fierce attitude and a wiggling finger. “Yeah! I know you clearly don’t care about dying, but I do. So don’t be dumb.”
Trey put his hands on Trinity’s shoulders. “Whoa, Kid. Cut your mother some slack. She was trying to do the right thing.”
Trinity huffed at being scolded.
When everyone fell silent, Trey looked at Gavin and Carter. “Keep a close eye on David. You can’t trust anything that comes out of his mouth. Not to mention his track record with putting his hands on his daughters.”
Carter lifted a brow but didn’t comment, something Hailey was thankful for. Gavin glanced at Sara who looked away.
It was painful to know your father hated you enough to hurt you. It tore through her heart on a level she had no intention of visiting. Hailey would rather ignore it all together.