Please don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead.
He desperately needed fresh air and water, but his body moved much slower than he wanted it to. He was so thirsty, and his chest burned terribly. He could hardly see as smoke clouded his vision and stung his eyes. He cried out as he pushed through the black cloud, each movement bringing nothing but pain.
The bright summer sun blinded him as he emerged from the darkness. Once in the yard, he dropped to the ground and clung to Hailey as firefighters ran past him and paramedics surrounded them. He called her name, desperation filling his voice. A single tear fell down his cheek as he fought off a paramedic who was trying to help.
“Sir, please. We need to get you both to a hospital.”
He thought they may have to restrain him. He was distraught as he fought their hands away. He didn’t want anyone else to touch her, despite knowing they wanted to save her. His heart and body wouldn’t comply with his brain.
“Hailey, please wake up,” Trey’s voice cracked as he held her, gently shaking her.
The paramedic moved to take her from him when Hailey began coughing loudly and harshly, unaware of what was going on. Trey held her tight, afraid he would lose her if he let go. He kissed her face and silently cried as she was assessed.
Then he carried her into the ambulance and laid her on the gurney, forgetting about all protocols. “I’m going with her,” he demanded.
The EMT opened her mouth to object but decided against it. Trey quietly held Hailey’s hand as they began placing wires on her body and IVs in her veins. He gently stroked her hair and whispered, “I’m right here, Princess. I’m not leaving.”
And that was a promise he intended to keep.
I swear aloud as I hang up the phone. No one else was supposed to be at Washington's house. It was only supposed to be Eli. Loretta had her book club, but for some reason she was home. The woman walked in as I stabbed Eli, so she met her demise as well.
There had been so much blood.
I don’t normally resort to such brutality with my kills, but sometimes The Beast is uncontrollable.
I wanted to stay and savor my handiwork, to touch the redness of the stains and smell the copper scent that lingered in the house. But I couldn’t. I had to take care of the mess. So, Ryan doused everything in gasoline and lit a match. I was long gone by then.
But then Hailey showed up. I should have known she would come to see Eli again. Just my effing luck; always sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. So, Ryan bashed her over the head and slipped out the back door, making Trey choose between pursuing the shadowed figure or saving the love of his life.
Anyone with half a brain knew he would save Hailey.
She’s quickly becoming a threat. I may have to kill her; not that I’m upset by the thought.
I drive to my lover’s home and carefully pull into the garage. I wait until it closes to get out and go inside. Once I’m in the house, I assess myself.
Blood has seeped into my clothes and stained my body, the color bringing me joy. I feel a smile creeping back on my cheeks as I remember their last moments: their screams, the crimson that flowed so effortlessly, the final breath leaving their butchered bodies…my heart leaps.
Unfortunately, Eli knew too much, and I wasn’t taking any chances for the old man to croak about all he knew.
Thankfully, my secrets died with him. Just like they died with Nicole.
I step into the shower, removing the soiled clothes as the hot water cascades over me. I exhale as the steam wraps around me. I watch intently as the blood mixes with the water and swirls down the drain. Too bad. I enjoyed it staining my skin, a reminder of what I’m capable of.
Everything I do, everything I’ve done, is to protect all that I’ve built and the secrets that I want to keep buried.
And I’ll kill anyone who gets in the way of that.
June 29, 2011
9:32 pm
A car horn rustled Hailey from her sleep. She’d been napping on and off since she left the hospital, but this was the first time she felt strong enough to stay awake.
She squinted against the hall light as she slowly opened her eyes. Though her room was dark, its brightness seeped through the cracked door, pain igniting behind her eyelids.
Ugh. My head.
She peeked through one eye and saw Sara and Trey. Her sister’s eyes were sunken in, and her face was drained of color. Trey simply looked like he might have a panic attack, bouncing his leg as he roughly ran his hand through his hair and let out a breath.