Thomas nodded but didn’t say anything, not wanting to further embarrass her.
This time, she was thankful for his silence.
Gavin had tightened his grip on her waist slightly, signaling he was there to protect her, though she wasn’t sure what he thought she needed protection from. Sara simply wanted to crawl in a hole, so she pulled away from his grasp.
“When did you leave the corner store?” Trey asked. “The video tape cut off at 10:45 pm, about the time Morgan was killed.”
Thomas closed his eyes and thought for a moment, “I think…” He sighed heavily. “I don’t know, man. I wish I could tell you. I don’t think we were at the store that much longer after the clerk came out and told us to leave.
“I took Sara home and was being a jerk to her.” He eyed Sara who looked at the ground. “I kept telling her to get out, but she was too incapacitated. I parked near the side of the house and got out to open the door for her because she was fumbling with the door handle.
“She literally fell out of the car. She tried to get up but kept falling…she was in really bad shape. Then she threw up all over herself and passed out in the grass. I was over it at that point so I left. Donna and Jake were pissed, but we were all too inebriated to think straight.”
Hearing Thomas’ recollection brought back flashes of memories for Sara. She remembered the drive home and fumbling for the door handle. She thought she remembered someone dragging her into the house but wasn’t sure.
This time Hailey spoke up, “Did you see anyone at the house when you dropped her off? See anything suspicious?”
“No, but I was too messed up to pay much attention. I dropped her off and left. I didn’t hear about Mrs. Gallagher until a few days later. After that, I got out of town and my family put me in rehab and I’ve been clean ever since.”
No one said anything for a few moments. Trey was trying to piece together the information and Hailey’s eyes were daggers as she glared at Thomas. Even Carter seemed to straighten a bit after hearing what Thomas had done.
Sara couldn’t help but be angry with her friends for not coming to her aid. But, if Sara was honest with herself, it was no one’s fault but her own. If she hadn’t been an alcoholic and drug addict, if she hadn’t been so selfish and self-centered, if she hadn’t felt the need to rebel against her father, then maybe she wouldn’t be in this mess.
But here she was, and nothing could change it.
“Just one last question and then we’ll be out of your way,” Trey said. “Why weren’t you a witness at the trial? Why weren’t any of you witnesses?”
Thomas started looking around and fidgeting with his tie. He ran a hand through his hair nervously. “I, uh…I don’t know.”
Sara closed the space between them and jutted up her chin at him. “You dumped me in my yard and never checked on me again. I’m tired of being called a murderer when you know damn well I didn’t kill my mother. So, whatever you’re hiding, spill it. I’m done suffering because you’re a coward. I lost thirteen years of my life because of your secrecy.”
Thomas paled slightly and stilled. He didn’t speak at first, just searched Sara’s eyes. Then, he hung his head. “I was paid not to say anything and to disappear. So was everyone else. I had been wanting to get clean for a long time, but never had the resources. That deal made it possible for me.”
“Who paid you off?” Sara asked.
He hesitated before saying, “Your father.”
Sara felt dizzy and her lungs constricted. She started pacing as she gasped for air and clawed at her throat, wondering if she might die right in Thomas’ yard.
“Get her some water!” Carter yelled to Thomas.
Hailey was quickly by her side. “Sara, breathe.”
Gavin took her by the hand and had her sit down in a lawn chair that was in the yard. “Put your head between your knees and breathe with me.”
Once she calmed herself, she squared her shoulders as if nothing happened. Thomas came out of the house holding a glass of water. He offered it to her, and she accepted the drink.
Sara always believed she had been set up, but because she lacked proof, she never told anyone. Plus, the first year of her sentence was filled with tremors, cold sweats, fevers, and hallucinations as she detoxed from the drugs and alcohol. At the time, she wasn’t sure if she could even trust herself to know the truth.
But she had been right. And it was her father who had done it.
It grieved her to think David could be so vindictive, but to have confirmation of his hatred…that brought on wounds she’d never felt before. Wounds that cut deeper than the physical ones he’d left on her body as a teenager.
Sara’s head was swimming as she tried to make sense of it all. Hailey hadn’t left her side, clutching Sara’s hand.
“What did David say to you?” Gavin asked as he took a step toward Thomas. Sara could see the vein that bulged at his temple.
Thomas’ eyes rounded. “He said if I didn’t leave town and accept his demands, then he would have Chief Washington arrest me for drunk driving, drugs, serving alcohol to minors…I’d be put away for life! So, I could keep my mouth shut and have freedom, or I could tell what I knew and spend the rest of my life in prison.”