Gavin eyed Sara. “The traitor.”
She lifted a brow. “I’m no such thing.” She smiled widely. “But I am a winner.”
Genevieve called for Trinity and Cecilia, “Girls, come get some cookies!”
Seconds later, thumping filled the staircase as they trotted down. The two giggled uncontrollably, sharing a knowing glance between them. It reminded Sara of all the inside jokes she and Hailey had growing up. How they could share one glance and know what the other was thinking.
That had changed when Sara got into trouble, though. Her drug use had only worsened the more she hung out with Thomas and his group of friends. Then she had started lying and manipulating everyone, mostly just for fun.
Just like her father. That thought turned her stomach.
Eventually, Hailey would become distant, putting up her own walls to keep Sara’s chaos out. Unfortunately for Hailey, Sara had still somehow managed to seep into the cracks and break them down piece by piece.
As much as Sara wanted to blame David or Thomas for her misfortune, she was really the one at fault. She chose drugs and alcohol and a rebellious lifestyle to retaliate against her father and it completely backfired, disastrously so.
But somehow, she’d gotten a second chance to rebuild the life she’d so utterly destroyed, and she wouldn’t take that for granted. She didn’t want to be selfish and self-centered anymore. Living like that had caused so much heartache. She wanted to love herself enough to say no to things that could hurt her, even if she desperately wanted them. Even now, she knew Gavin was too good for her and she’d be damned if she tainted yet another person with her destruction. She liked Gavin, but she would say no to his advances if she thought it would end in chaos and heartache.
And though she wanted to be a better person, she wasn’t so sure that person could even exist right now. Not until David got what he deserved. Not until she made everyone pay for what they did to her.
Coming into the room, Trinity said, “Hey, Dad,” She walked over and wrapped Trey in a hug.
“What’s up, Kid?”
“I’m not a kid,” she said matter-of-factly.
Trey put his hands up and she giggled as she ran off with Cecilia.
“So how did your talk with Ryan go?” Hailey asked Trey.
Trey eyed Gavin and Carter and then looked at Sara.
“They know what’s going on,” Sara said. She didn’t share every detail, but they knew the basics. She needed people in her corner and her instincts told her both of the men could be trusted.
Trey took a cookie from the dish that Genevieve put in the middle of the table. “He said he blackmailed your parents for money and wanted David to bail him out of trouble whenever he needed the help.”
“Like father, like son,” Sara said.
Trey nodded. “He told them he would go public with a paternity test, but I think him having proof that David and Nicole were seeing each other again was probably the driving factor behind David complying.”
Grabbing a cookie himself, Carter said, “Whoa, back up. Why would he care about a paternity test?’
“My father had a long-term affair with Ryan’s mother,” Sara explained. “Ryan was the very unfortunate result of that affair, and my mother told my father she would leave him if he didn't break things off.”
“Sounds like a bad soap opera,” Carter said.
“You have no idea,” Sara said as she recalled the terror of that house.
It truly had gotten worse the older she got. As a child, she saw very little of David. But when she became a teenager, his expectations were more than Sara cared to achieve, so she stopped trying. And when she didn’t bend to his rules and commands…well, she was hated by her own father. She was his constant reminder that he didn’t have complete control and he loathed her for it.
“So was he still seeing Nicole when my mother was killed?” Hailey asked.
Trey shrugged. “He wasn’t sure...or just didn’t want to say. Again, I’m taking everything he said with a grain of salt until I can confirm what he told me. But at least it’s a starting point.”
“Did he say anything else?” Sara asked.
“Not really. I could tell he hates your whole family which could make him a suspect.”
“Could?” Gavin said.