Ryan’s breathing was labored as he sat hunched over, blood dripping to the ground. “Like I said, you’ve gone soft. You better keep your word and kill me, because I’m coming for your whole family.”
Trey grabbed Ryan by the collar and slammed him into the brick building. Ryan let out a huff of air and Trey got inches from his face. “This is my only warning, Ryan. I will kill you if you hurt my family again. Right now, you’re not worth my time. I have too much to live for. Which is more than I can say for you.”
Trey shoved him away and Ryan fell into a heap on the sidewalk. Trey walked away and climbed into his truck.
His gaze never left Ryan as Ryan stood and spat blood onto the concrete. He glanced at Trey and smiled as he climbed into his red pickup truck, waving at Trey as he did.
June 28, 2011
6:52 pm
Sara studied Gavin as they all sat around Genevieve’s table playing UNO. Hailey was losing while Gavin and Carter cheated their way to each only having two cards. Sara held a single card, causing the tension in the room to heighten.
Genevieve was in the kitchen baking cookies while her husband, Carl, watched football in the living room. Every time the four of them shouted in triumph or defeat, Carl would tell them to keep it down and then would laugh at their groans.
Trinity and Cecilia had eaten and darted back up the stairs to Cecilia’s room, snickering as they gossiped and told secrets. Sara ached to be young again, to redo her life.
She hadn’t yet gotten into drugs when she was Trinity's age. She had been boy crazy, but she was still innocent. She hoped her niece didn't give into peer pressure like Sara had.
Pulling her from her thoughts, Gavin laid down his card and called out, “Uno!”
Then, Sara slammed hers down with a sly smile, winning the game. “Sucks to suck.”
“I thought we were working together?” Gavin exclaimed.
Sara laughed. “No, you and Carter were cheating together.”
He gasped and placed a hand over his heart. “I would never do such a thing.”
“You totally would,” Hailey said as she pointed at Gavin.
“Don’t throw me under the bus,” Gavin said.
Sara hadn’t laughed this much in a long time.
When Gavin had called, she had found herself pleasantly surprised to hear his voice. Sara hadn’t expected him to actually go out of his way to get her number, something she secretly found endearing. And her twin clearly wanted to play matchmaker since she was the one who had given Gavin her number. Hailey claimed Sara needed to live a little. Maybe she was right.
Sara was so focused on the past that she hadn’t given herself permission to live in the present. She was allowing her need for revenge to consume her, and she was uneasy with the person she found herself becoming. Though she wasn’t ready to lay down the torch completely, she would let the fire dwindle a bit and she would try to have fun while it lasted. Something she used to do often as a teenager.
Maybe she would find a piece of herself she’d long since lost.
At first, she had been nervous to be around Gavin again. And, sensing her pause, he had offered a night of card games with Hailey and Carter; even Trey if he’d actually show up. She just wasn’t sure what to make of his flirting and boldness. It confused her how he could be so straightforward yet gentle.
Despite her reservations about the man, she couldn’t deny how much she liked the attention he gave her. It made her feel like herself again, the Sara she had been before her life was flipped upside down.
There was a light tap on the back door and Trey poked his head in. “Gen, can I come in?”
Genevieve came out of the kitchen. “You know you never have to knock, Honey. Just let yourself in. And you’re just in time for cookies, too.” She winked.
Trey came through the door and scanned the room, his gaze falling on Hailey. Jealousy colored his eyes as he spied Gavin.
Sara inwardly rolled her eyes. Men were so predictable.
Sensing the tension, Gavin stood and greeted Trey with a handshake while Carter pulled up an empty chair and sat it next to Hailey. Trey paused for a split second and Sara thought he might sit down and pout. But instead, he shook Gavin and Carter’s hands. A silent peace offering.
Before he sat down, he leaned in to give Hailey a kiss on her head. Then, he sat next to her, and she took his hand.
“Who won?” he asked.