Page 55 of Kept in the Dark

“Because they will never get this case reopened. And if you give them a reason to snoop, they will.” David said.

Trey didn’t need any more of a reason. The fact that he hated David was enough force to drive the cowboy to ruin all he built. It was hardly shocking to find that his own flesh and blood were the ones pulling the strings.

Eli was panicking. “What am I supposed to do, David? You promised no one would find out.”

David rubbed his face. “Just shut up and stay away from them. It’s really not that difficult.”

David hung up, no longer wanting to deal with Eli.

Truth was, David was antsy. He worked decades trying to keep his affair a secret and now even Trey Harbor knew about it.

He figured once Hailey was back in town the two would somehow manage to find one another, he just hadn’t anticipated the trouble that may cause for him. Though, he shouldn’t be surprised. It’s all they had ever done together.

When the girls were teenagers, it was always Sara who he needed to keep an eye on. She was constantly getting into trouble with drugs and boys. It was a damned miracle she hadn’t died from an overdose or gotten pregnant before she was eighteen.

Hailey had always been his golden child. When she wasn’t helping Sara, that is. And then Trey weaseled his way into her heart and head, and eventually her bed. Hailey was worse than Sara when it came to Trey.

He had so much hope for Hailey. She was bright and beautiful. She had wanted nothing more than to please him and Morgan, though he had to beat her a few times before she understood that he wasn’t to be disrespected nor disobeyed.

Like he had to do to Morgan when they were first married.

He would never admit it, but he had gotten off on Morgan’s screams and cries as he smacked her and pulled her hair. She had begged him to stop, promising to do whatever he wished. Unfortunately for her, that wasn’t good enough. He needed to make sure she knew never to cross him.

He had shoved her to the ground and told her to never disrespect him again.

And she hadn’t. Until Nicole.

Then she had the audacity to threaten him like he couldn’t take the very breath from her lungs. She’d forgotten about his lesson; forgotten she shouldn’t cross him.

But he was Mayor by that time and didn't want his reputation ruined. He tried to leave Nicole but couldn’t. She was his other half, his heart and soul. Though they could never be together, they were content with secrecy.

And now that secret seemed to be out. Or at least was soon to be out.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Much like thirteen years ago.

He hurled his glass across his office. It smashed against the wall, shards raining down over the floor, a glimpse of what his life would soon look like if he wasn’t careful.

There was one person who could undo the kingdom he built by pulling a single thread.

Which meant he would have to get to them before they began pulling.

June 28, 2011

1:07 pm

Hailey and Sara had missed the lunch crowd as they waited for Trey at a local sports bar and grill. After talking with Eli, Hailey picked up Sara for lunch where they were now waiting on Trey.

Still irritated with her sister, Hailey quietly said, “Listen, I don’t want to fight, but I need you to stop trying to manipulate me into telling Trey about Ryan. It’s none of your business.”

Sara snorted. “Maybe not, but it’s Trey’s business.”

“And since when do you care about Trey?”

She shrugged. “I don’t.”

Hailey shook her head. “Then why won’t you leave it alone?”

Sara leaned in. “You’re going to get yourself killed because you're being a pretentious bitch about it. Stop acting like it doesn’t affect the rest of us.”