Of course, he had always made it a point to hide his rage from the world, only hurting them where the bruises and caked blood could be hidden. But not that night. That night, he had lost control and all three of the Gallagher women conjured up stares from those who were nosey enough to gawk but not kind enough to intervene.
After that night, Hailey swore she’d never sit at a table with him again.
Yet here she was. Trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Because, as much as she hated it, she still longed for her father’s love and affection.
Hailey just hoped she wouldn’t have to wash blood off her body like she did thirteen years ago.
June 26, 2011
12:37 pm
The restaurant Nicole worked at is busy; it’s lunch hour, after all. I wait for my order, the crowd roaring with conversation. No one even realizes I’m eavesdropping. You don’t become sufficient at blackmail without an intricate understanding of how to gain information. It’s amazing what people say when they think no one is listening.
Lana Hill accidentally backed into someone’s vehicle in the grocery store parking lot. She simply left as she didn’t think she should have to pay for the damages.
The man next to me is talking on the phone. From the sound of it, he and his wife are doing well. However, he failed to mention the pretty brunette that walked in with him and now kissed him deeply.
Finally, my order is up. A young girl waves from behind the counter. She’s always excited to see me. She seems to be an odd girl, the other employees not paying her much attention. I assume her home life is similar and so she latches on to anyone who gives her even the slightest bit of attention.
That can be used to my advantage. So, I come into the pizzeria enough so that she’s comfortable with me. The more comfortable someone is, the more open they’ll be.
People share things in daily conversation without even realizing it. Over the last month, I've learned she has a dog named Toby. She doesn’t know her father and she’s never had a boyfriend. Her favorite color is pink and she’s saving money for college.
Those things may not matter in the moment, but the more you know about someone, the more you can leverage.
I walk to the counter and pay. We have small talk as we usually do, but this time it’s quick as the restaurant is filling up and she doesn’t have time to talk today.
That’s fine. I only came for one thing: to find out what people are saying about Nicole.
“I heard about that woman who went missing. Has she turned up yet?” I ask, concern in my voice.
Her eyes soften. She’s touched that I would show such concern for a stranger. Then, her eyes fill with worry. “No, the police haven't found her yet. I just hope she’s okay. She’s such a sweet lady and a really great boss.”
I push her a little. “Do you think someone might have hurt her? People are crazy now-a-days.”
“I can’t imagine anyone would want to. She’s so genuine and nice.”
I nod, acting as if I don’t know the real Nicole.
A tramp. A loose end. The nail in my freaking coffin.
I hated her. But this girl doesn’t even know it. She thinks I’m simply some heartfelt stranger.
“Well, I hope they find her soon.”
She smiles and I take my order to my car and begin my ride home.
The grape vine had been hard at work over the last few days. The news about Nicole’s disappearance has the whole town on edge. One of their own is missing and no one feels safe.
If only they knew her dirty little secrets. If only they knew who she really was as they all worried about her. She may have this town wrapped around her pretty little finger, but I know better. I know her secrets. And if anyone found out, they’d burn her at the stake. Normally I would have marveled at the thought of Nicole being publicly shamed, but then I would be too.
Her secrets intertwine with mine.
So, I’ll keep my mouth shut while people mourn and worry over her, wondering if she’s dead or alive.
Little do they know I’m the one to blame.