“And I love you.”
He kissed her and then twirled her around, causing her to laugh. He pulled her close and they slow-danced together as dusk turned to darkness.
Once night had fallen, Hailey wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as they made their way to the bedroom. Trey shut the door and Hailey melted into him, knowing she’d love him forever.
August 5, 2011
11:32 am
The alarm buzzed loudly indicating Lauren could enter the room. She hated the piercing sound that now controlled her. But she hated the blue jumpsuit even more. And the shackles she wore on her wrists and ankles would not be her first choice in accessories.
The corrections officer took her by the upper arm and led her into the room where she sat at the lonely table. It was a cold room, dirty and void of color. The walls that were once white had yellowed from the grime that had accumulated over time.
A spider scurried across the floor, and she clenched her teeth. With the lift of her foot, she stomped on the creature, releasing her rage.
One last kill.
The guard then brought her arms up in front of her and chained her wrist restraints to the table.
Clearly, they weren’t taking any chances with her.
She should feel flattered that they believed her to be cunning enough to harm someone while in chains, but she was merely irritated by the notion. She hated being restricted. She hated being controlled.
The alarm buzzed again, ringing through her ears. She gritted her teeth.
However, her anger subsided, and her heart skipped a beat as David walked in the room. Much like it had when she first saw him.
He had been at a luncheon with the city's representatives and Lauren happened to be dining there too. She hadn’t noticed him until he had nearly collided with her as they both stood to leave. She had dropped her purse and its contents had spilled out. Her cheeks had turned red as he bent down to help her clean it up.
He had apologized profusely, his charm captivating.
She knew a snake when she saw one, she just wasn’t afraid of them. She was drawn to them. And, as fate would have it, he was drawn to monsters.
She had known right then that they were made for each other. Darkness entangling with one another.
They had started talking, her mentioning she was new to town. That’s when he had told her about the job opening at his office. She had interviewed the next day and got the job.
Then she had lied in wake until she was able to become Mrs. David Gallagher.
That had been nearly sixteen years ago.
Now, the bags under his eyes were dark and his hair was unkempt. He was still wearing a button down shirt and tie, always dressed to the nines. He looked as dashing as ever, even if he looked a bit worn out.
“Darling, you look exhausted. Are you getting any sleep?”
He sat down across from her, and the guard left the room. It had been part of her plea deal. She would tell David everything, but only David. They could record their conversation, but he was the only person she wanted to see.
“No, but let’s not waste time talking about me, Sweets. Tell me what they want to know.”
She tilted her head. “Aren’t you going to ask me how I’m doing? I’m locked up in chains after just having been shot. Look at this place!” She looked around the room, her lips turned down. “It’s disgusting. And you should see the cells.”
Lauren shivered. They were all repugnant lowlifes. She didn’t deserve to be here. She was too good to be in prison.
“How are you?” he asked softly.
“Well, if you must know, I’m doing awful.” She leaned closer to him and whispered, “Get me out of here. Now.”
He shook his head. “You know I can’t do that. I’ve tried. So, tell me what you did so you have a chance at getting out. If you hold up your end of the bargain, the lawyers can work out the rest.”