Page 131 of Kept in the Dark

What a freaking joke the system was.

Finally, the preacher finished the service with a touching prayer and then invited everyone to place a rose on the casket and give their condolences to the family.

Gavin gently pulled himself from her grasp and looked at her. She gave a soft smile. “Go. They need you right now.”

He kissed her. “I’ll be back in a few.”

Sara watched him walk away as Hailey came and stood next to her. “I can’t believe this is real. It feels like a dream.”

“More like a nightmare,” Sara said.

Hailey nodded.

Sara sighed. “So, have you decided if you’re staying in town?”

“For now. I can’t leave you unattended. We both know you attract trouble like a damn magnet.”

Sara smiled inwardly. She didn’t dare tell her sister she was happy Hailey had decided to stay. Their relationship still needed a lot of work, but after all they’d been through, it was safe to say they were doing better than when they’d started.

“So where are you staying now that Angie is back in town?”

Sara chuckled. “Miraculously, she didn’t kick me out. But Gavin asked me to stay with him.”

Hailey raised a brow. “What did you say?”

“I needed to think about it.” She shrugged. “It feels really fast and part of me wonders if it’s just some type of trauma-bond or something.”

“Sounds like you’re making excuses.”

“Maybe. But I think I need to be on my own for a while, at least in that aspect. I like having him around, but I know I’ll need my space.”

Sara watched as Gavin talked to Carter’s mother across the yard. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. Then, he pointed to Sara and the woman beamed and waved at her.

Sara awkwardly waved back and looked at the ground.

Hailey shook her head and smiled. “He’s smitten.”

“He’s not half bad.”

Genevieve walked up to Hailey and Sara and hugged each of them. “That was a beautiful service for such a kind man.”

Hailey nodded. “Yeah, it was. I still can’t believe he’s gone.”

Genevieve smiled sadly. “You know, he called me earlier that day and asked me to make them cookies, but I accidentally burnt the batch.” She giggled. “He still ate six of them.”

Sara smiled. “He’s going to be missed.”

Genevieve kissed Sara and Hailey on the cheek and took their hands. “I’m so proud of you both, for being there for one another and for finding the truth.” She looked at the ground. “I’m sorry I didn’t help you when you were kids. Maybe things would have been different if I had.”

A tear slid down the woman’s cheek and Hailey said, “Gen, you did what you thought was best.”

“No, I did what was convenient. And both of you paid the price for it and I’ll forever carry that with me.”

Sara clutched Genevieve’s hand. “You don’t have to carry that. We forgive you. And now we all have a fresh start, so don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Genevieve smiled. “You both have grown into such beautiful women. Your mother would be proud.”

Trinity called to Genevieve from across the cemetery, waving at her to come back as Trey tried to quiet her down. Genevieve looked at Hailey and chuckled. “She’s my new slave driver now. She wants me to take her home to make cookies with Cecilia. Go figure.”