Page 119 of Kept in the Dark

She pushed past him and he grabbed her upper arm. “You can’t leave me. You promised to love me forever, to stay by my side.”

“Guess we’re both liars then,” Morgan said.

She tried to pull her arm away, but David gripped her arm tighter.

She yelped, “Let go! You’re hurting me!”

“No, you’re not leaving. You don’t get to walk out on this marriage. I didn’t leave you for Nicole, you don’t get to leave me now.”

Morgan spit at him as she tore her arm from his grasp. “Well guess what, you can have your whore and her bastard son.”

David shoved her away, appalled that she dared to disrespect him and tarnish Nicole.

Before he realized what he’d done, Morgan’s screams echoed through the house. A thud and the cracking of bones reached his ears.

His heart raced as he ran down the stairs. “Morgan!”

Blood pooled around her head. It was bright, and the smell of iron immediately invaded his nostrils. He wanted to vomit, but somehow managed to keep the contents of his stomach in place.

He knelt beside her body. “Morgan! Wake up. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

She didn’t move or make a noise. Shock flooded him.

He had just killed his wife.

And if he didn’t do something, he would find himself locked in a jail cell for the rest of his life.

He climbed to his feet and quickly made his way to his car and began driving around aimlessly. He called Eli. Washington would fix it, the man owed David.

After twenty minutes of driving, he pulled into his driveway to see that Eli hadn’t arrived yet. His palms sweating, David gripped the steering wheel and debated staying in the car or going inside.

David calmly climbed out of his car once again and walked up to his home. He froze when he noticed Sara lying in the grass. His heartbeat quickened as panic filled his body.

How much had she witnessed? How long had she been home?

She wasn’t moving, so he quietly walked to where she was laying in the yard, only a few feet from the front door. He bent down and felt she was still breathing.

If he didn’t need to cover up his own murderous act, he’d wish she was dead with all the foolishness she’d put him through over the years. But he wasn’t that lucky, she was just unconscious. And she reeked of vomit.

He stood up again and ran a hand through his hair as he tried to figure out what to do about his worsening situation.

He attempted to wake her up several times, wanting to know if she knew his secret. But she didn’t stir.

And then it dawned on him: Sara might not be dead, but he could still get rid of her for good.

He looked around again and when he didn’t see anyone coming, he scooped Sara up under her arms and dragged her into the house where he laid her next to Morgan. When Eli showed up, Sara would become a murderer and he would be the grieving widower.

“You lying bastard! I hate you!” Sara lunged for David, but Trey grabbed her and dragged her away. She fell into him and wailed her fists into his chest, the emotional toll of the last thirteen years surfacing.

Hailey erupted with her own rage. “She was just a kid and you took her life from her. Did you know she almost died twice in prison?”

“I’m aware…and a little disappointed to see she’s still breathing.”

Sara lifted her head abruptly to look at David. Hailey saw the hate in her sister’s eyes, could feel the resentment and bitterness that seeped into even the most hidden places of her heart. A chill found its way down Hailey’s spine.

Hailey felt like she would be sick.

Hailey walked closer to his bed, her voice just above a whisper, “You’re a monster. What you did to Sara-”