Page 115 of Kept in the Dark

A large hand covered her mouth, and a man whispered in her ear, “If you scream, I’ll kill you.”

Tears streamed down her face as she let out a soft whimper. She wanted her mother.

Because she knew today would be the day she died.

The hospital floor was quiet, with only faint hums of the air conditioner, beeps of machines, and the occasional squeaking as the staff pushed medical carts down the hall. The stillness was unnerving in contrast to the chaos that was only a few floors away in Eli’s room.

It had taken Trey and Hailey nearly forty minutes to convince someone to tell them which room David was in; a nurse had accidentally marked his room as private. But after getting the run-around, Trey had finally flashed his badge and David’s room number was magically no longer private.

The door was ajar, and David looked to be sleeping. Hailey lightly tapped on it. “Dad?”

His eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at her. “Hailey, I didn’t think you’d come.”

He strained to breathe, his body weak from whatever trauma it had been through. He eyed Trey in disgust.

“Didn’t expect to see me, though,” Trey quipped.

Hailey gave Trey a sharp look and he shrugged.

“Why didn’t you tell us you had cancer?” Hailey asked David.

David let out a labored breath and closed his eyes. “I haven't told anyone, not even Lauren. The prognosis wasn’t good and it’s incurable. The medicine I've been taking only helps with the pain. They gave me two years and I’m in my final months.” He opened his eyes to look at Hailey. “The cancer had gotten worse, so I knew my time was coming. I’ve been running around trying to get my affairs in order, so Lauren isn’t stuck with a mess.”

Hailey’s heart plummeted. She hadn’t realized he would be dead soon. She hated the sorrow that swelled in her chest. How could she feel both sadness and hatred for this man? She hated him, no doubt, but he was still her father. And though she had a vast amount of horrific memories of him, she also had a few cherished moments with him.

She had fallen off her bike when she was five and he ran over to help her. He placed a bandage over the scrape and drew a smiley face on it. He had even taken her and Sara on a late-night ice cream run one summer night, all three of them singing along to some song on the radio. She couldn’t remember the song to save her life, though.

There were other memories, but she chose not to let them flash through her mind. Because he was a monster and had always been a monster.

And that’s what she would remember him as.

At least he was doing one kind thing by getting his affairs in order for Lauren. It also explained the many ‘business trips’ he had taken over the last week and a half. He wasn’t just avoiding Trey, he was getting ready to die.

“Why aren't you telling Lauren? She’ll be devastated.”

“Because I don't want her to worry I’ll drop dead every time we’re together. I want to enjoy the time we have left without looks of pity or concern or fear.”

Hailey didn’t think that was fair to Lauren, but she understood it.

He took another labored breath. “I just took care of my will a few days ago and Lauren will get the majority of my assets, but the rest will be split between you and Trinity’s college fund.”

“I don’t want your blood money.”

David didn’t look shocked by her response as much as he looked hurt. “Sunshine, this isn’t blood money. I’m trying to help you.”

His use of her old nickname grated her ears. Hailey Rae, his “ray of sunshine.” As a child, she had loved the name and had thought it was his way of showing her affection, even favoritism. But as she’d gotten older, she had quickly realized it was another way to manipulate her.

He would make her feel special and she would do his bidding. And then, as quickly as he had shown his affection, it would be replaced with anger and disdain.

“Nothing you do is ever for the greater good of someone else. And you think giving us money when you’re dead is going to make up for everything you put us through?” She pointed at him. “Screw you.”

He pinned her with his gaze. David looked from Hailey to Trey, who was standing behind her, legs spread, and arms crossed. He narrowed his eyes at the old man, daring him to threaten her.

David nodded at Trey. “I see you didn’t take my advice after all. Maybe if you had, she wouldn’t be in danger and people wouldn’t be dying.”

“Are you still pushing that bullshit? Blaming everyone for your sins?” Sara said from the doorway.

Hailey and Trey turned to her, and she walked over to them. Hailey took Sara’s hand and Sara gave it a light squeeze before letting go.