Another pause.
Hailey stood completely still. “Cancer treatment? He has cancer?”
Trey was on edge.
“Uh, yes. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Hailey hung up the phone and rubbed her face.
Trey didn’t wait a moment. “What was that about?”
Hailey shook her head and furrowed her brows. “That was a nurse. My dad was having cancer treatment today and had an adverse reaction to it. I'm the only person listed as a contact.”
“Your father has cancer?” Trey couldn’t contain his shock either.
“Apparently, he didn’t tell anyone. He won't even let them call Lauren and I have to follow strict instructions not to tell her either.” Hailey crossed her arms, irritated by her father. Though Trey suspected she was also scared, even if she’d never admit it. Despite Hailey’s hatred of David, he was still her father, and she loved him in her own way.
Trey’s eyes narrowed.
“What is it?” Hailey asked.
“Your father sent Ryan to kill you and now Ryan just killed Eli.”
“Okay, so?”
“We know your father was involved with your mother's death, but we're not sure if or how Ryan was involved. I think Ryan has been helping him take care of anyone he sees as a liability.”
Hailey’s eyes widened. “He would never have Eli killed. They were best friends.”
Trey was angry at her defense of her father. “Hailey, he tried to have you killed! His own daughter. He would have Eli killed if he thought Eli might spill his secrets.”
The man had done nothing but terrorize her her entire life and here she was defending him. As much as he wanted to let the anger linger, he couldn't. He knew Hailey had an innate need to protect the people she loved. And he had no doubt Hailey loved her father despite his horrific deeds, at least in her own way.
Though he wasn’t fond of her emotions toward David, he loved her for it. She wasn’t so jaded she couldn’t be bothered with compassion or love. Of course, she knew he was nothing but a monster, but she would still mourn his death when the time came. Because she was a good person. She was kind and gracious. The world needed more people like her.
Trey said, “We need to go talk to him.”
Hailey tilted her head. “He’s in the hospital, Trey.”
“Exactly. He’s stuck in a hospital bed. He can’t leave. And right now, he’s vulnerable. We’re going to confront him about your mother. Despite what Lauren said, he either killed her or knows who did. And we both know it wasn’t your sister. He wouldn’t be telling Ryan to kill people if he wasn’t involved. So, let’s see if we can get him to tell us what happened.”
“Why would Lauren lie?”
“For the same reason as everyone else: blackmail. She lives with him. I’m quite sure it isn’t difficult for him to find something he could use to persuade her to lie.”
Hailey nodded slowly. “Okay, but what makes you think he’s going to tell us anything? He’s gotten away with something for thirteen years. Why would he ruin that?”
Trey began walking toward the elevator and Hailey followed. “I don’t know. And I don’t know if he’ll even talk, but I’ve run out of ideas. We have nothing concrete, and we have no idea what happened that night…but he does.”
He pushed a button, and the doors closed. “And we need to know before more bodies hit the floor.”
July 7, 2011
8:37 pm
Sara sat on the couch with Gavin while Trinity watched TV in Trey’s room. She saw Hailey’s name pop up on her cell phone screen. “Hey.”
“Dad’s in the hospital. Apparently, he has cancer and had a reaction to his treatment medication.”
Sara sunk back into the sofa. “Is he dead?”