Page 106 of Kept in the Dark

Hailey shook her head. It was just like her father to prey on Sara’s vulnerabilities. And it would make sense that Lauren would never bring it up as she wasn’t part of the picture until after Sara had gone to jail and Hailey had moved away.

“Why didn’t you say something when I first came to you?” Hailey asked.

“Would you have believed me?”

That was fair. Lauren truly had no reason to confide in Hailey.

Now, Hailey didn’t know what to believe. Both Lauren and the medical examiner seemed to be telling the truth. Could the doctor be mistaken? For now, she decided to play into Lauren’s story, gathering as much information as possible in hopes that it would help bring justice to her mother.

“Is there anything else you can tell me? Anything that might help me figure out who did do it?” Hailey asked.

Lauren thought for a moment. “Nicole hated your mother and did everything she could to antagonize her. I think a part of her hated David too, as much as she loved him. You know, ‘lovers scorned’ and all?”

Lauren’s distaste for Nicole was clear, though Hailey felt the same way. The woman had ruined her life and her family.

Lauren continued, “It didn’t help that she was constantly getting death threats from another mistress too.”

Hailey tilted her head and scrunched her brows. “What are you talking about?”

Lauren bit her lip and looked around, unsure if she should divulge that information. “There was someone else your father was seeing aside from Nicole.”

How could this case get any more complex?

Hailey’s mouth fell open but Lauren ignored her gesture. “Once your mother found out about Nicole, she was devastated so David stopped seeing her for quite a while. During that time, he saw other women.” She shook her head. “One mistress in particular became obsessive and sent your mother death threats.”

“What was her name?” Hailey asked.

Lauren hesitated.

“What was her name? You can either tell me or I’ll walk out to the car right now and tell Trey about your complacency in my father’s crimes.” Hailey meant it, too. She was done with all the secrets.

Lauren narrowed her eyes but said, “Her name is Hannah Rowland. She’s a local realtor who had fancied your father for years.”

Lauren shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Hailey pitied her stepmother. It must be hard picturing your husband with other women. Hailey wondered if Lauren ever suspected David of being unfaithful to her as well.

Lauren poured more coffee into her cup from the pot that had been sitting out. She didn’t drink it, though. Instead, she held it in her hands, ushering its warmth to her body.

She continued, “It was just a fling for your father, but Hannah started to get clingy and wanted him to leave his family. At one point she began stalking him. Eventually, he took out a restraining order because she was threatening to harm your mother.”

Hailey perked up. “What did she say?”

Lauren shrugged. “I don’t know. All he said was that Hannah claimed she would harm Morgan if David didn't leave her.”

Hailey nodded, the wheels in her head turning. Lauren may have just handed them the name of their killer. While David definitely had a motive, and the M.E. claimed he was to blame, it sounded like this woman did as well, possibly even stronger than David’s. Or perhaps she was simply more willing to act on that motive.

Could the M.E. be wrong about David’s involvement? If Hannah killed Morgan and used the affair as blackmail to manipulate David into helping her, David would do it in a heartbeat. He would rather cover up his wife’s murder than have his name tarnished.

It was obvious David was pulling strings and Sara happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now they needed to figure out which strings he was pulling.

“Did my mother ever confront Nicole or this Hannah woman?”

Lauren thought for a moment. “I don’t think so. I think your mother just tried to act like she didn’t exist, but…” Lauren paused, and Hailey sat silently, on the edge of her seat. “But I think I saw Nicole and Hannah talking one day. Recently, actually. They were outside that little pizza place Nicole works at. They seemed to be in a heated argument, and I thought it odd that two of David’s…lovers…were arguing.” Lauren spat out the word ‘lovers’ as if it carried a bitter taste in her mouth. Hailey assumed it did.

“Was my father seeing Nicole when my mother was killed?”

Something flickered behind Lauren’s eyes.

“What?” Hailey asked.