Page 103 of Kept in the Dark

Carter had dashed into the house, chasing Ryan out the back door. The sound of gunshots had collided with the thundering of fireworks. She could hardly tell them apart. She had wanted to get up, to see what had happened just beyond the door frame, but she couldn’t move.

Then, Gavin had rushed in and carried her outside.

It wasn’t until she saw the body bag that she had realized she’d never seen Carter come back inside.

She had laid in bed for the last two days, staring at the ceiling as she wondered if they made the right choice in re-opening her mother’s case, Trey’s concern growing. Hailey tried to put on a brave face for Trinity, but even that was difficult.

There had been so many casualties. And for what? Nothing. They weren't any closer to figuring out what happened that night any more than they were the day she had watched the video. And now, people were dead.

Early this morning, she had finally dragged herself out of bed and stood in front of the mirror in Trey’s room. She had studied her bruises and cuts and scrapes. She hated them, hated what they represented: secrets, lies, pain, death. They were a reminder that Ryan had hurt her again.

But Hailey had held her head high, her reflection gazing back at her. This time, she wore her bruises like a badge of honor. And instead of being a reminder of the horror she survived, they would now be a reminder of the sacrifice Carter made. And she wouldn’t let that be in vain.

She was going to get the truth and expose the secrets that caused such turmoil.

Now, she sat in the medical examiner’s office with Trey as they sought answers. Hailey rubbed her arms, trying to get warm and steady her nerves.

“I can get you my jacket from the truck,” Trey offered.

“No, I’ll be fine,” she said kindly.

The doctor entered the room and took a seat behind his desk. Trey extended his hand, and the man shook it. “Hey Doc., Sorry to be meeting again.”

The M.E. was slightly goofy looking with bush eyebrows and a nose too big for his face. He had kind eyes though, and that put Hailey at ease.

“Yes, well, I’m getting tired of seeing you, Chief. No offense.” He said as he lifted his hands as if in surrender.

Trey smiled sadly. “None taken.” He then motioned toward Hailey who was sitting next to him. “This is Hailey Gallagher.”

Dr. Johnson shifted behind his desk and pursed his lips. “David Gallagher’s daughter?”

“Yes, sir,” Hailey replied.

He nodded. “You look an awful lot like your mother, may she rest in peace.”

Hailey smiled. She found comfort in hearing she resembled her mother. She often worried that one day Morgan’s face would disappear from her memories. That she wouldn’t be able to recall her beautiful brown hair and bright red lipstick, or the scar near her jaw that she so desperately tried to cover with makeup.

Once again, her heart broke. She wished her mother was here to hold her one more time, to tell her it would all be okay as she brushed Hailey’s hair out of her face. But she couldn’t, because she was dead. She had been ripped away from the people who loved her, and a deep void took her place.

“We’re actually here about Morgan’s case,” Trey said.

Furrowing his brows, the M.E. said, “What about it?”

“We have some questions concerning the original autopsy report.”

The man sat back in his chair and sighed. His mouth was turned down at the corners as he hung his head. “I was wondering when someone would figure it out.”

“Sir?” Trey said.

Dr. Johnson continued, “You wouldn't be asking for an original report if you thought the one in the file was the original.”

“Doc, if you say anything incriminating, I’ll have to file a report and arrest you.”

The man held up a hand. “Son, I’m dying of liver failure. I have about six months to live. So even if you do arrest me, I won't live long enough to go to jail by the time the trial is over. If I even make it to trial.”

“I’m so sorry,” Hailey said.

Dr. Johnson shook his head. “It’s my punishment for sending an innocent woman to jail.” He looked at Hailey. “Your sister is innocent.”