Page 88 of The Billionaires

Shit. A surge of concern makes me speed up, leaving Juno behind.

A frantic heartbeat later, I enter the living room—just as the clapping is joined by two blood-chilling sounds.

A male grunt and a female moan.

I gape at the scene in front of me, my brain refusing to comprehend what my eyeballs are seeing.

A naked Aleksy is sprawled on the couch, his hands tied with a thick rope to the coffee table that was our destination. But that’s not the part that’s crashing my brain’s operating system.

That honor belongs to the person riding the bodyguard as if he were a rodeo bull.




I didn’t know a neck could go pale, but Lucius’s does based on something he’s seeing inside the living room.

My first scary thought is that something has happened to Pearl, but then I hear the sounds.

Oh, boy. Is that what I think it is?

Reaching Lucius’s side, I stop, my eyes going wide as my cheeks catch fire.

Yep. It is indeed what I suspected.

Pearl is having her way with Aleksy—and if her moans of his name are anything to go by, she’s having a blast. Oh, and despite being tied up, her bodyguard is clearly doing this consensually. His happy grunts and the “yes, mistress, yes!” are a testament to that.

My face flames hotter with embarrassment, and I can’t even imagine how Lucius is feeling. Pearl’s back is to us, but I’m not sure that makes it any easier on Lucius’s psyche. If I saw my grandparents doing it, I’d almost certainly be traumatized—even if it didn’t look like a scene out of Fifty Shades.

Fighting a hysterical giggle, I touch Lucius’s shoulder.

He jumps and whips his head toward me, his eyes wild and confused. I nod at the hallway from which we came and make the two-fingers-walking gesture.

A spark of sanity returns to his gaze. He grabs my hand, and we tiptoe away like two thieves.

Once outside, Lucius sprints to the limo as though he’s being chased by horny werewolves, and since he’s still clutching my hand in a death grip, I sprint with him.

“We need to go,” he shouts at Elijah. “Now!”

As soon as Elijah slams on the gas, I close the privacy partition.

“Are you okay?” I ask breathlessly. Thankfully, the urge to giggle like a little girl has faded, so I can focus on Lucius instead of on how mortifying that encounter was.

“I’m not sure,” he replies, sounding dazed. “I mean, I’m happy that she’s healthy enough to do that, but…” He shakes his head. “Sorry. I’m not sure I want to talk more about this.”

“Good idea.” I myself would like to have these recent images expunged from my memory, so I bet he’d pay a billion for that memory wipe treatment from Eternal Sunshine. “Just one last tangentially related thing—my phone.”

“Right,” he says. “I’ll get it tomorrow.”

I fight the urge to kiss the crease on his forehead. “Will you tell either of them that you know?”

“Never,” he says with feeling.

Okay. I owe him a change of subject, big time, so I say, “Tell me what your favorite feature of Novus Rome will be.”

I’m officially a billionaire whisperer. His face returns to its normal hue, the crease relaxes, and his eyes brighten. “It’s hard to pick just one favorite. Have I told you about our smart mobility plan?”