The car comes to a stop, and I realize we’re next to Jane’s house. But whose limo is that? Did I forget telling my driver to meet me?
Boat amnesia is definitely something to tell my future therapist about.
“Let’s continue talking inside?” Jane gestures at her house.
I nod and pay the driver.
Getting out, I open the door for Jane, and just as she steps onto the pavement, I spot a big problem in our way.
Climbing out of the limo is Sydney.
Her eyes look puffy and her expression forlorn.
How bad of a father does she think I am that she needs to be so distraught?
Sydney takes a menacing step toward us, and her eyes aren’t on me but on Jane. There’s something really weird about the lingering stare, and I don’t like it one bit. Between Sydney looking so unstable right now, and her showing up at my house naked last night, I would not be all that surprised if she pulled out a gun and shot Jane—and then demanded that I marry her.
Well, screw that. After surviving the ferry ride, this is nothing.
Putting myself between Sydney and Jane, I demand icily, “What are you doing here?”
Before Adrian blocks my view, I get a chance to look at Sydney as if for the first time—and to realize just how much we look alike. That realization stirs all sorts of impossible-to-untangle emotions. The key one, strangely, is that I want to get to know this woman a little better, despite hating her guts so recently.
Unlike Tristan, who chose not to be in my life, Sydney had no choice, and it seems that in her own twisted way, she longs to have a family.
“I can’t believe you just left after the hearing was done,” Sydney sneers at Adrian. “Just as it was time to put together a visitation schedule that you claimed you so desperately wanted.”
“I went after Jane,” he snaps back. “Who was hurt by your stunt, I might add.”
“Oh, please. We’re not in court anymore, so you don’t have to pretend that your little marriage is actually real.”
That one hurts a lot because it’s true.
Adrian’s back tenses. “You’re unbelievable. First, you?—”
“Shut up,” I say, snapping out of my paralysis. Stepping from behind Adrian so I can see Sydney’s face, I clarify, “And I’m talking about the both of you. Seriously, you now share custody of a wonderful little human, so you need to learn how to act like adults, and soon.”
Adrian looks like his sheepish dog, and to her credit, Sydney appears somewhat chastised as well.
“I didn’t come here to fight,” she says in a calmer tone, looking at me. “Or even to talk to him.”
“Then why did you come?” Adrian demands again. “And how do you even know where Jane lives?”
“The background check, obviously,” she replies with an eyeroll. Returning her attention to me, she says quietly, “Your mother said you went here after my dad’s revelations.”
Ah, so Tristan told her. Not great timing if you ask me. But then again, if he had great timing, he’d probably already be in my life.
“What does Tristan have to do with anything?” Adrian asks.
Crap. I never got a chance to tell him the big news.
Ignoring him, Sydney looks at me searchingly. “Do you think it’s true?”