My chest feels peculiarly tight as I gently extricate myself from Jane’s soft, small body, grab a robe, and quietly go out onto the giant balcony.
The fresh air doesn’t help. I still feel an unsettling combination of guilt, regret, and, worst of all, burning desire.
I want more Jane. I want it so badly I can taste it. But I can’t do this to Piper. I can’t risk losing her.
Speaking of Piper… I pull out my phone, and some of the tension drains from my shoulders as I pull up the baby monitor app and see her. She’s sleeping like the baby that she is.
This, right here, is why I must pump the brakes on whatever it is that’s happening between Jane and me.
With a sigh, I open the email from Bob with the documents I need to review for the hearing. A very long hour later, I’m glad life’s circumstances didn’t force me into a career in the justice system, but I’m grateful for those who are willing to do this kind of work.
I also still ache to hold Jane.
I contemplate sneaking out to another room to avoid the temptation, but I decide that wouldn’t be fair to Jane. I don’t want her to feel like this was a one-night stand.
Quietly, I return to bed and stretch out as far away from her as the giant bed allows. All I want is to close the distance between us, but that wouldn’t be wise.
I need to sleep. More importantly, I need to let her sleep.
We’ll discuss everything in the morning.
My first thought as I wake up is to question whether the events of last night were real because it was all too much like a dream.
I peek through my eyelashes.
I’m in the giant bed, in the honeymoon suite, with Adrian on the other side of the bed. And I’m sore in?—
Mrs. Westfield would advise against naming such delicate places even within a lady’s private thoughts.
All this means that if my GD was a dream, it’s continuing.
“You awake?” Adrian whispers, scooting closer.
I turn his way. “Hopefully.”
He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “How do you feel?”
I bite my lip. “Disappointingly, the same as usual.”
He arches an eyebrow. “Disappointingly?”
I mock sigh. “I always thought I’d feel different after losing my virginity.”
He cocks his head. “Different how?”
“Older. More mature. Wiser.”
“Ah. And you don’t?”
“I’m thinking we may need to repeat what we did last night a few dozen more times before all those things kick in.”
His good humor evaporates, and he looks distinctly uncomfortable. “Jane… I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
His words hit me like an ice bucket challenge, proving beyond a shadow of doubt that this is stark reality, not the fantasy land of my GD dreams.