Page 282 of The Billionaires

Hmm. I look at Leo, who wakes up from his twentieth nap of the day.

“Did Jane think I didn’t know she was there the whole time?” I ask him.

Leo cocks his head.

Humans overcomplicate things. Pretend she’s a poodle in heat and just mount her. Smooth as non-crunchy peanut butter.

I head into the shower and do some Yoda Yoga on the off-chance Jane forgets to change. And boy, am I glad that I took that precaution because when I meet Jane in the living room, she’s wearing an outfit that’s even hotter than the last, with lots of very lickable pale skin exposed.

“I changed,” she says when she notices me staring at her. “As you requested.”

Not exactly as I requested, but it’s not like I can tell her that.

“Let’s watch,” I say and plop on the couch.

She sits next to me, and we start to Netflix—with me being anything but chill. In fact, being with Jane like this is very hard—in many senses of the word. I can’t wait until the show is over so I can have some alone time with Yoda. Again.

“What do you think?” Jane asks when the credits roll on season two.

“I think I know why Victorians had all those strict sex-related rules.”

Shit. Bad topic.

“Religion?” Jane asks, focusing all her attention on me.

I shake my head. “Lack of internet and therefore porn.”

Oops. Seriously, I usually have more of a filter between my mouth and my brain.

Jane narrows her eyes slightly and styles her left eyebrow into a question mark.

“Without porn, there would’ve been less masturbation,” I explain, because I’m committed to this now. “Without masturbation, people got that much hornier. Hence men going crazy upon seeing a flash of an ankle.”

Speaking of ankles, Jane’s are extremely dainty and pretty, making me wonder if kissing them would?—

“Few people really used the internet before the early nineties,” Jane counters. “Yet there was all that free love business in the sixties.”

“Sure, but there was porn by then,” I say, sounding less sure of myself. “On tapes, or as pictures before that.”

“They had porn as pictures in Victorian times,” Jane says triumphantly. “So there goes your theory.”

Hmm. Didn’t they have to pose for hours for pictures back then? I bet the poor girls would get cold sitting naked for that long. Still, Jane’s got a point. Seems like masturbation isn’t the key to everything, even if it seems to be at the moment.

Clouding my judgement, Yoda is.

Jane stands up, treating me to a view of her shapely legs. “Good night.”

With that, she sashays away, leaving me to sit and wait until Yoda calms down enough for me to be able to walk.

The next day, I pick up Jane to go to City Hall. The whole time, all she talks to me about is the weather. So much for my hope that she was no longer mad about my refusal of her generous offer.

To be honest, I’m mad at myself too. Maybe we could make it work somehow. Maybe the risk isn’t so great.


Must stay strong.

Besides, Jane likely felt insulted, so she’s unlikely to give me another chance at her GD.