Page 261 of The Billionaires

My head spins, and not just from the magnificent champagne. He told me before that she’d lied about having an IUD—and that she might’ve poked a hole in the condom they used, which means she never gave up on her prep school ambition.

I put a hand on his leg—a reassuring gesture that has nothing to do with wanting to feel the powerful muscle under my fingertips. “I get why you don’t want to marry her.”

“If I thought marrying her would actually benefit Piper, I’d make that sacrifice,” he says. “But it would only harm our daughter. Even marriages based on love end in divorce half the time, so what chance would I have with a woman who is like the oil to my water?”

I squeeze his leg—again, not because I’m a perv. “I wasn’t judging you for not wanting to.”

“The crazy thing is, even if a time machine existed, I wouldn’t change that night—not after meeting Piper.”

“I get it,” I say as my heart tightens in my chest.

I’m glad Piper has a father who loves her this much, but I’m also jealous and curious about what it must be like.

Adrian covers my hand with his. “The two of us have only known each other for two days, yet I’m confident that if our marriage were to be real, we’d have a much better chance than me and the mother of my child. How sad is that?”

I stare at him, my heart now fluttering somewhere around my uvula. Did he just say that we’d be good together for real? No, can’t be. He’s just contrasting me with the woman that he despises, so naturally, I come out the winner.

Pulling my hand away from his, I down my champagne and feel bubbles assaulting my nose.

“Sorry,” he says and waves at the nearby waiter to get me another flute. “I don’t mean to be a downer tonight.”

“You’re not a downer,” I say, accepting the drink. “Besides, I was the one who asked.”

“You did,” he says. “Which means now it’s your turn.”

“For what?”

His silver eyes seem to penetrate into my soul and all the way down to my coccyx as he says, “Tell me about you. What do you like?”

I cock my head. “You mean besides books?”

Sipping his drink, he nods.

“I like classical music.” I move my glasses higher up my nose. “And you already know about my movie watching with my mom, as well as?—”

“No,” he says with a headshake. “Tell me something more intimate.”

A blush spreads over my cheeks. “If you mean former relationships, there isn’t much to tell. Back in high school, I went on a couple of dates, but I was too busy in college with studying. My plan was to get on something like Tinder once I became a librarian.” At which point I’d have my GD—but there’s no way I’m bringing that up again, especially not when the champagne is making me feel like I want Adrian to handle that particular task.

“I’m sorry you’re not going to get the chance to date for the next couple of years,” he says, but he doesn’t look like he means it.

If anything, there’s an almost satisfied gleam in his silver eyes.

I frown, then decide I’m imagining it. “It’s fine. Getting on Tinder doesn’t mean I’d actually meet anyone.”

He rolls his eyes. “You’d have to swat men away with a stick. Trust me.”

Is it the champagne bubbles again, or are there drunk butterflies in my stomach?

“Tell me an embarrassing secret,” he says.

I smile weakly. “You mean besides being a virgin?”

“Yeah, that one isn’t embarrassing in the slightest.”

“Fine,” I say—and can’t believe I’m about to admit this. “I often think about myself in third person, where I roleplay a Victorian lady named Miss Miller.” He’s already grinning, but I go on. “I also always dress up as Miss Miller for Halloween and have more corsets than a dominatrix.”

His grin turns devilish. “Just Halloween? Be honest.”