No. I’ll talk to her as soon as my parents leave.
There’s movement in the bed, so I grumpily open an eye.
“Morning,” Bruce murmurs.
“Shit.” I open the second eye. “Did I brush my teeth last night?”
He snorts. “We didn’t shower either—something I’m about to rectify.”
He throws off his part of the blanket, and the sight of him naked is like mainlining espresso—especially since Titan is hard for some unfathomable reason.
If I didn’t feel super gross, I’d jump him.
Wait. Did he just invite me into that shower with him?
Before I can sleuth out the answer, I hear the pitter-patter of tiny claws on the hardwood floor, followed by the tapping of paws on the mattress.
Bruce grins. “Guess who’s awake too?”
I lean off the bed and come eye to eye with Colossus—who wags his tail like it’s his whole purpose in life before plopping onto his back.
Belly rub. Now. Chop-chop. It’s been ages since I got some TLC.
I scratch the proffered belly with a wide grin.
“You’ve got him, right?” Bruce asks, still mouthwateringly naked. “I have a meeting in a few minutes.”
“Yeah,” I say with a sigh and watch the marvel that is Bruce’s muscled ass walk away.
As soon as he’s out of sight, I throw on my sorceress outfit, grab the puppy, and rush to my room, feeling like I’m doing the walk of shame as I go.
“Here.” I give Colossus some dehydrated sweet potato chews the chef created.
As the dog works on the treat, I do my morning routine and ponder what’s quickly becoming a bigger and bigger question.
What is going on between me and Bruce?
I know what it’s not anymore—a one-night stand. Is there such a thing as a two-night stand? No idea, and I know I should talk to him about this, but I’m not sure how to bring it up.
Maybe I’ll find the courage later today?
For now, I need to take the dog for a walk.
When Colossus and I return, Bruce is about to leave with his family to play golf.
“Why don’t you join us?” Theodora asks.
I shake my head, smiling politely. “Colossus and I have a lot of training to do.”
Is that disappointment on Bruce’s face? Regardless, the puppy and I haven’t had breakfast either—and more importantly, I don’t want to intrude on Bruce’s family time.
As promised, I work with my charge the whole day, stopping only for meals, and tragically, without bumping into Bruce even once.
When it’s time to go to sleep, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and shave my legs and other necessary placesbefore throwing on the sexiest pajamas I own: a tiny nightie. Then, properly primped, I take Colossus to his bed.