What? I don’t think I want to step on such a thing, let alone allow a puppy to do so.
“I have an idea.” I take a cookie piece and crumble it in my hand. “This will keep him busy.” I toss crumbs all around the corridor, and Colossus goes berserk trying to collect them.
“Nice trick.” Bruce opens the door and allows me to enter first.
I hesitate. The carpet looks to be Persian, with a pattern of circles and leaves.
“Can I step on it?” I ask, hovering my foot over the edge.
“Without shoes,” Bruce orders and takes off his own loafers to demonstrate—in case I’m that slow.
Am I wearing that sock with a hole in it?
I slide my sneakers off to check.
Only one solution here—I take the socks off too.
Bruce stares at my bare feet in confusion. “Is that for the lesson?”
“Sure,” I lie and step on the carpet.
Wow. It feels so warm and comfy under my feet you’d think it were made of clouds.
Maybe this is where the legends of flying carpets came from?
“What now?” Bruce demands.
I take a breath. “Now I’ll pretend to be the dog—and you’ll walk me.”
Did I just hear that correctly? She will pretend to be a dog?
Maybe this is a really odd, self-deprecating, jokey way of calling herself a bitch?
No. She means it literally. Why else would she be turning the front end of the leash into a loop and lassoing it around her midsection?
Fuck me. Said rope wraps under her perky little breasts, pushing them up for my already-overactive cock to admire.
“Here.” She hands me the leash handle.
Stunned, I take what is offered, still unable to believe my eyes.
Little do I know this is only the beginning.
She kneels in front of me, like she’s about to make some of my recent fantasies come true. Then she gets on all fours—which is the start of even more fantasies.
What. The. Fuck?
Is this a seduction attempt? Her perfectly shaped ass is on display, which seems to corroborate this… but what’s with the leash? Does she think I’m that kinky billionaire cliché?
“Now,” she says over her shoulder. “Show me your leash technique.”