Page 116 of The Billionaires

“Well,” I hiss. “Looks like for the first time in his life, Bruce isn’t going to get his way.”

And if he wants to fire me for this, so be it.

As Johnny, his mustache, and I walk through the mansion, I detect a delicious aroma that makes my stomach growl.

When did I last eat?

We enter the kitchen, and I spot the source of the yummy smell—a tray of cookies Bruce is taking out of the oven.

He cooks?


Some personal chef must’ve left those in there, and he’s just taking them out. Serious domestic effort for a billionaire, either way.

Then my pulse jumps.

Colossus is near the table with a cookie in his mouth.

“Is that hot out of the oven?” I shout, leaping toward the puppy. “He’ll get hurt!”

Bruce steps in my way. “That’s the first batch.” There’s a twitch in his jaw. “I obviously waited for it to cool before giving it to the dog. What kind of a negligent sadist do you think I am?”

The worst kind—but I don’t say this because we agreed to be civil only minutes ago.

“FYI, she insists on overseeing the move,” Johnny tattletales.

Should I tell him snitches get stitches before their mustaches get shaved off?

“I’ll allow it,” Bruce says magnanimously.

“You’ll allow it?” I grit out, forgetting about cordialness for a hot second. In a calmer tone, I say, “If it pleases Your Highness, I’ll be back before you can say ‘the top one percent.’”

Bruce turns his broad back to me. “Just get your possessions so you can start on your duties. And it’s the top point-zero-zero-one percent.”

All the way back to my car, I brainstorm some clever comebacks to Bruce’s last comment, but the best I can come up with is: I hope Colossus “dooties” on your foot.

My car looks comically small in the giant driveway in front of the mansion, and as I start my route back home, I actually pay attention to the details of the massive estate.

There are two lakes on opposite sides of the mansion—creating gorgeous views from all angles. On the far side of the nearest lake is an untouched forest with a deer herd frolicking around. It’s a marvel Bruce hasn’t hunted them to extinction, as his kind are so fond of doing. Near the second lake, there is a garden maze and a golf course. Walking the dog around here must feel like strolling through a luxury resort.

My phone rings.

I check who it is.

Ah. It’s Aphrodite, my cousin. And no, we’re not Greek, so my aunt can officially be considered a child abuser for naming her daughter that.

“Hey, cuz,” she says as soon as I pick up.

“Hey, Aphro,” I reply with a smile. “Thanks for checking on me… a bit too late.”

I told her what I would be doing, just in case Bruce went American Psycho on my ass.

She sounds worried as she asks, “Do I need to bail you out of jail?”

“I didn’t actually do what I set out to do.” I’m glad this isn’t a video call, so she can’t see me blush in shame.

“Why? What happened?” she demands.