At first, Zane thought Jax was being smart with him, but quickly realized that Jax might’ve actually meant every word.
But Zane had held on to his anger for too long for anything nice to ever transpire between them ever again.
After what the Ransoms had done to his one true love, he could never forgive them.
Ican't believe how bold Diesel’s getting with these attacks!
Not to mention, the police still haven't even stepped in.
This situation was getting too precarious, and Rowan didn't feel good about having a civilian in the line of fire. If she knew Diesel as well as she thought she did, he wasn’t going to stop until he found the culprit.
She had to find some way to stop him before that. For now, she was going to have to pull Lea from Theskin. The mission could wait. Her safety couldn’t.
Rowan pounded her fist into the table out of frustration. “Damn! We were so close.”
She pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, and stepped outside of her secret bunker on the outskirts of the city. Using the shadows as her disguise, she swiftly made her way through the city.
There. Lea’s house is in sight.
The streets were deathly quiet, and she had yet to pass anyone else out here. It made her all the more uneasy. Something about this extraction seemed too easy.
Either way, she couldn't let that stop her now.
Her foot moved out of the shadow, but before she was able to take another step, she felt something tighten around her throat. Suddenly she was hoisted up in the air, and her feet were dangling and kicking wildly.
She clawed desperately at whatever had clutched her around the neck. When she opened her eyes to see her assailant, she froze in place, petrified.
“I knew if I held out long enough I would find you,” Diesel murmured almost lovingly to her, as if she was some lost child of his, finally reunited once more.
“What are you doing? Release me this instant. I am a noblewoman just visiting the city. If you don’t, my father will have your head.” Rowan utilized her alias in the hopes that he would set her free.
Diesel pulled Rowan's face closer to his. “There's no point in lying to me, Agent Rowan Lexie.”
All the blood in her veins turned to sand all at once.
She swung her body back and flung her legs forward, pushing off of Diesel's chest in the hopes of breaking free.
He growled in pain, but gripped Rowan’s neck tighter. “The only way you're breaking free of me right now is if you detach your head from your body. I suggest coming quietly if you want to make it through the night in one piece.”
That wasn’t a threat. It was a certainty.
Rowan knew better than to dance with monsters like Diesel. She relaxed herself and allowed him to take her with him.
After entering some kind of warehouse a few blocks away from Lea’s apartment, Diesel released Rowan’s neck, and she fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air.
I guess this is one way of infiltrating his lair…
Although she would have much preferred a different method.
I must stay focused. If any opportunity arises for me to escape, I have to take it.
If she didn’t, she was as good as dead. He probably wouldn’t kill her tonight, but soon.
She watched in horror as he proceeded to take out a potion filled with jet-black liquid.