“Careful. If you lose me, you'll have no one,” Striker warned, her eyes resistant but filled with cold certainty.
“Then so be it. I have others who can easily take your place.” Diesel turned his back on Striker and looked over to the rest of his werewolves on standby. “Destroy everything. Leave nothing but ash behind!”
My body ached as pleasure and disgust stirred within me.
I quickly pulled my robes back on while Jax was still sleeping.
How ironic… The first time I gave myself to him was to gain his love, but this time I did it so I could destroy him.
I walked over to the living room window to get some fresh air, but as I placed my hands on the window sill to bring the window up, I noticed that the sky looked strange.
Black smoke billowed and swirled there, almost blocking out Solare completely.
“Something's wrong,” I said, but as I looked over my shoulder, Jax was still passed out cold on my couch.
I grabbed my potion pouch from the counter and left. The streets were strangely empty, even though it was the middle of the day.
I knew the curfews had gotten bad since Diesel’s attack on the city, but this was something else.
Screams of desperation reached me just as the smell of things burning did. My body jumped into action instinctively.
I was shifting before I even willed it.
Lunaira, help us, I sent up a quick prayer as I fell forward, my claws digging into the cobblestones as the rough wind blew through my wolf pelt.
Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I bolted toward the cries coming from not too far ahead of me. After bounding past numerous streets, I finally reached the source of all the smoke.
As soon as my eyes locked on the tower that was on fire, I stopped in my tracks, skidding to a halt.
Why is Jax’s building burning? There might still be workers inside!
Without giving it another thought, I ran in, ignoring the shards of glass strewn all over, cutting into my paws, or even the fire singeing my fur. I followed the sound of screams to a woman who was hiding under the reception desk.
When she saw me, her face went completely white as she backed away.
I lowered my head to let her know that I didn't mean her any harm. I lightly grabbed her garment with my teeth, and pulled her out from under the desk.
She began coughing wildly, holding her sleeve up to her mouth in the hopes of preventing more smoke from entering her lungs.
She isn't going to last much longer here.
I threw her onto my back, and barely waited for her to grab onto the soft fur at the back of my neck before I quickly made for the exit again. Once outside, and a safe distance away from the burning building, I lowered my head so she could get off my back.
“Thank you!” she said around a coughing fit racking her body, but I turned to go back. There might be more people in need of help in there.
But a broad-shouldered man was blocking my path. I bared my teeth, preparing to pounce.
“Lea.” Emory’s strong voice calmed me immediately.
There was something about the shock of seeing him that released me from my shifted form.
My bones cracked and my muscles stretched back into their proper places.