Page 72 of Queen of Wrath

He called for her as he checked every room, calmly at first, but upon discovering that the house was empty, he began to panic. He stopped in his tracks, a boulder dropping into the pit of his stomach.

Diesel raced down into the basement. “Fuck!”

How did she escape?

As the question crossed his mind, everything began to click together. Omara’s disappearance wasn't a coincidence. She must have found Agent Lexie.

“Shit!” His voice rumbled the walls as he charged back upstairs. It wasn't until he revisited the bedroom that he noticed an envelope sitting on his nightstand.

His heart sank to the floor. He stood there for a good long while, just staring at the piece of parchment with his name in her delicate handwriting scrawled across it.

Omara, what did you do?

As if he couldn’t wait anymore, he grabbed the envelope and ripped the top off, pulling the letter from the sleeve.

His eyes glazed over the paper, and he grew more and more angry with every word he read.

‘To Diesel,

I have turned a blind eye for too long. I can no longer live with myself knowing the crimes that you've committed. I had hoped you would provide a better life for my boys, and in some ways you have. But you've also taught them how cruel the world could be. I don't even want to imagine the things that you've put Jax through to get where he is today. I can't forgive you. There is only one man I've ever truly loved, and he's gone from this world. I would hate to think you were involved with that as well… Please, don't come find me. I want nothing to do with you. Consider this a letter confirming our separation.


His claws ripped out from his nail beds as he crinkled the paper with his fists.

“How could you do this to me? After everything I've done for you, too,” he growled, his skin ripping to shreds as he shifted.

You will regret this, Omara!

His mind, clouded over by rage, was unable to see reason. The only thing he sought now was destruction and vengeance.

“Mom? I got your message. Are you still here?” Kiyan’s voice echoed through the house and right into Diesel's ears.

His giant wolf head perked up, a vicious grin spreading on either side of his snout.

Kiyan, who had no idea what was going on, was still standing innocently in the foyer looking for his mother. Upon seeing Diesel’s stalking approach, the blood drained from his face.

“Where is she?” Diesel asked, his voice monstrous and garbled.

It was apparent on Kiyan's face that he had never heard a werewolf speak while in wolf form.

All his life, Diesel had been shifting more than was normal, or considered to be safe. His wolf and human form had just about melted into one by now, making him incredibly tough and powerful. Even if it had caused his thoughts and emotions to become unstable at times, it was exactly what he’d been working toward; he was evolving into a creature entirely apart.

If not for his wealth and status, he would have been categorized as too dangerous to function in society, but no one dared step on Diesel’s toes. Except his son, it seemed.

Kiyan's face twisted into a scowl. “I'm not telling you where she is. She's running away from you. You are the thing tearing this family apart.”

Diesel slinked over to Kiyan, shifting seamlessly back into his human form. “You little shit! Who do you think you are? You're nothing but a sewer rat just like your mother was. I never should have spared you from burning alongside that old hag!”

“Was?” Kiyan repeated, dread entering his eyes. “Spared?”

Diesel bit down on his tongue, realizing he’d said too much. “Just go, Kiyan. And…never return here again.”

Hurt, shock, and rage warred on Kiyan’s young face. “Fine by me,” he spat out as his eyes roved over Diesel in disgust. “I hope I never become as despicable as you.”

He watched as Kiyan walked out, slamming the door behind him, fighting like hell against his anger and need to shove that boy’s head into the ground. He’d seen him as his own son for years, after all… But that was over now.

Go ahead. Leave me as well. You'll suffer along with everyone else with what’s coming next.