Page 49 of Queen of Wrath

Other people were like puppets in his quest for domination… Jax’s mother, and even Kiyan, weren’t absolved of that.

Jax glanced over his shoulder to see that Emma was rubbing her arm nervously.

Maybe it was a bad idea to bring her. I need to wrap this up so I can get her out of here.

A commotion on the other side of the room distracted both Emma and Jax. “Cry all you want, but I’m going to make you obey!”

The commotion involved one of the guards. He had a young woman chained as if she was on a leash.

That alone was enough to tell Jax the young woman was a shifter. Unfortunately, that was how most guards treated shifters after being captured.

The guard balled up his fist and was about to hit the young woman, but before he was able to, she was a wolf already. She’d shifted even faster than Jax could. She caught hold of the guard's fist and bit down, causing him to scream in agony. She then released his hand, and backed away fearfully.

“That’s it! It’s time to put the pup down!” The attacking guard reached for his weapon as the other guards surrounded the young wolf, blocking off any escape.

Jax’s chest tightened.

He couldn't believe he was witnessing the kind of abuse he’d only ever heard was going on in these types of establishments.

Adrenaline rushed through his veins.

There was something in him that felt compelled to do something, but as much as he wanted to, his feet wouldn't move.

It will only complicate my life further if I intervene.

Jax was fully prepared to do what he’d always done; turn a blind eye. But then he noticed Emma. Her demeanor had changed entirely.

Her fists were balled up so tightly that blood dripped from her knuckles.

Jax could even hear the low growl rumbling from her chest.

She took one step toward the guards, and Jax knew he had to do something. Fast.

If she tried to stop them, she would surely end up in prison.

I can't let that happen… Not again!

Jax sprang into action, charging toward the group of guards and the young woman. “What is the meaning of this?”

“Mr. Ransom! We had no idea you were here. I'm sorry you had to witness such insolence.” One of the higher-level guards who had been here for a long time recognized Jax immediately. The man then made his way over in a groveling manner. “We will get rid of this nuisance right away.”

He began reaching for the young woman, preparing to drag her back to the cells.

Jax looked down at her and their eyes met. He saw a mixture of sadness and unending fire in her eyes. It reminded him so much of her.

“You will do no such thing. This girl works for me as well. How could you buffoons have missed that?”

The guards all stopped and looked around at each other in shock.

“We had no idea, sir,” one of them mumbled pathetically, looking at a loss of what to do.

“Well, now you do, so release her.” Jax crossed his arms as he stared them down, the very image of power and confidence, his eyes flashing dangerously.

Silence swept over the room.

The guards didn't move a muscle.

“Now,” Jax reiterated, and the guards scrambled into action at the same time. “And while you're at it, I need Markus released from the holding cell as well. One of your arresting officers needs to be dealt with.”