“I miss when you used to cooperate.” Dewitt, the short, stout guard, snarled as he threw me into the cell and watched me hit the floor.
“Happy to disappoint, Dimwit.” I laughed before spitting out the foul copper taste in my mouth.
“Why do you insist on antagonizing him? It’s bad enough that you don’t give the Warden what she wants.” Eniko reprimanded me as he helped me up. He was one of the more recent additions to the cell. He had only been here a week, poor fellow. He didn’t know yet what it was like to be broken down by this place.
I was confused for a moment as I tried to collect myself. It wasn’t until I tried to sit up that I remembered.
By now, my raw skin had time to stick to my new set of roughly spun clothes, so the fabric felt one with my skin when I pulled.
I hissed, digging my nails into the dirt and stone beneath me. “And let her win? Yeah, right.”
“Look around us, Lea. What are we winning?” He had a point.
“It’s the little battles that win the war, isn’t it?” I couldn’t even bring myself to laugh; I was in too much pain.
Eniko only frowned at me, and I sighed.
“She wants me to be her mole. I’m not interested in helping them in any way. The people that are locked up here are good.” I wasn’t going to be the one responsible for furthering their “punishment.” It was bad enough that most people were here for political reasons.
Our conversation was interrupted by more footsteps coming down the hallway.
A shiver of fear ran through my body.
Were they coming back for me? Those ruthless bastards.
My skin was practically screaming as it was.
This time, the guard was different. It was the tall one who had less trouble opening the cell door, and he wasn’t alone either.
Though the guard’s torch was faint, I could see it flicker against the face of the person I had grown the closest to since being placed here in this Lunaira-forsaken place.
She was huddled into herself and quivering all over, but it was definitely her.
The guard threw her into the cell and locked the door behind her. “Maybe next time, you’ll give us better information.”
“Dineta!” I crawled over to her, ignoring my pain as I huddled her close to me.
She was freezing.
By Lunaira’s grace! What did they do to her?
“My back stings, Lea.” Dineta blubbered into my arm.
I could feel that her back was wet, but I couldn’t tell what it was.
“Here.” Eniko slid closer to us, producing a Flume Light from his pocket.
“How did you get that past the guards?” I stared at him in accusation.
There’s no way he snuck that in. Could Eniko be a mole?
For the first time, I saw this cellmate as someone else… Someone dangerous.
“Do you want to ask questions, or do you want to help your friend?” His brows furrowed at me.
My stomach twisted with realization.
Who is this man?