I motioned for him to use his mortar and pestle to grind the ingredients as a base for his potion. I tried to mouth some other ingredients, but he didn’t understand.
Then the judge came up behind him to see what he was doing, and his eyes dropped to his table.
He remained concentrated on the ingredients in front of him. What Jax lacked in raw skill, he made up for in book smarts. He knew exactly what ingredients worked well together and which ones didn’t. He was also a werewolf, which played in his favor.
The humans couldn’t explain why so much money was involved in the potion industry. Only supernatural beings were able to create potions.
A magical essence in our bodies gave potions their effectiveness, and for whatever reason, that essence is strongest with werewolves.
He poured the different ingredients into the bottle, which turned it bright red. Then, he discreetly pricked his finger and rubbed the top of the potion bottle before closing it.
With one or two shakes, the bright red liquid turned soft pink.
He looked content with himself, and I hoped it was enough.
I’ve read about how other potionists expel their magical essence differently, but I’ve never seen anyone do that before; that must make the potion so powerful!
The judges went around and tested each potion meticulously.
Some potions didn’t even work, and some blew up in the judges’ faces, garnering a laugh from the other students.
Finally, they approached Jax, who was waiting anxiously with his hands behind his back.
The Owler judge ruffled his neck feathers, preparing to be attacked by yet another potion. He allowed a single drop to touch his beak and waited patiently, but nothing happened.
Oh no! That should have worked.
The Owler lifted his beak and grunted in displeasure. “That is unfortunate.”
As the judge turned from Jax, small pink petals sprinkled around his head. He stopped in his tracks, and his talons scraped the wood floors. “What is this?”
“A spring look.” Jax smiled as the judge turned around, and a great green grass beard sprouted from just beneath his beak.
“Oh, my!” The Owler used the ends of his wings as hands to pull the grass beard off his face, but it wasn’t some cheap trick. It had actually sprouted from between his feathers. “I’m glad to see that your potion professors were wrong about you, Mr. Ransom.”
Then, the judges lined up at the front of the stage and whispered to each other, giving me time to make eye contact with Jax again.
I clapped along with the rest of the audience but gave him a content nod for doing so well.
The crowd went silent once more as the judges faced us.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the 583rd Annual Potion Competition. We would now like to announce the winners. Jaricn Ransom, please step forward.” The Owler judge looked down at the students who had already lined up next to the judges at the front of the stage.
Jax flashed an award-winning smile that caused half of the crowd to swoon.
“In fourth place, Zayden Willow!”
Zane’s shoulders dropped in defeat, but fourth place was still incredibly impressive.
The Headmaster moved on to third place, and Jax didn’t falter for a moment when she named someone else.
It was like he already knew he won.
“This year, I will be awarding second place to Jaricn Ransom,” he announced, raising his wings and expecting the crowd to cheer for Jax.
Jax’s face fell.
He clenched his teeth together, causing his jaw to flex.