Page 90 of Queen of Vengeance

Unfortunately, I don’t value his opinion enough to be affected by that. “It is just a mere taste of what I’m capable of.”

“So tell me, why are you getting into potion production instead of becoming a potionist? Clearly, you have the talent for it.” Jax waved his empty potion glass in the air with an uneven smile.

I could only assume he was trying to use his charm on me. What he didn’t know was that I already had the upper hand. “Well, isn’t that what you did? Became a potionist and then a potion producer. I’m just skipping the middle part. I have an eye for talent. That’s what I’m looking to utilize.”

“So you’re specifically looking to become a potion agent?” He raised an eyebrow at me before looking me up and down.

It took everything in me not to throw my fist out and punch him right in the face.

“I believe we might have a use for you at my company… If you’re interested. I certainly would be a fool to ignore such talent.” He managed his age-old, dashing smile.

I wanted to know if it still worked as well as it used to. There had to be more than just me that saw through the thin veneer of his personality. I wanted to know if someone hated him as much as I did. “I appreciate the offer. I will give it some thought.”

“It’s wonderful. I look forward to working with you.” He grabbed another glass from one of the servers and raised it to me.

I imagined very vividly in my head grabbing that serving tray and bashing him over the head with it. I imagined a thousand more creative ways to kill him just in the few minutes we stood there talking.

That smug face… Abusing the charm he had to get ahead wherever he went. Living his life like he’s already won every game he’s ever played.

I despised him more than before because now I saw him in his entirety. I wore rose-colored glasses for so long that I never saw him. I would never make that mistake again.

The party had ended and I was never more grateful to be in empty silence.

After all, it wasn’t just Jax I had to talk to.

Akil introduced me to every person that came to that party.

I swear, I never want to see another potion producer for as long as I live.

“Akil tells me that you did very well there.” Rowan beamed with delight.

“I’m glad I did well because I was dying on the inside. That was torture… And I would know. I’ve actually been tortured.” My face twisted with exhaustion and disdain. “Is that what it’s supposed to be like? Kissing their butts and hoping they’ll throw you a bone?”

“Unfortunately, yes. But never mind that now. We can move on to the next phase. Now you’re going to have to be very careful with this part. We won’t be able to stay as close to you while you’re working with Jax in his company,” Rowan explained, but my mind was elsewhere.

“This is going to be especially difficult for you given your history with Jax. I implore you to put your grievances behind you. All it will do is cloud your judgment, and we need you with a clear head.” Akil narrowed his birdlike eyes at me with a seriousness. “It was all right to mess with him, because he was buzzed from your potion, but that’s not going to fly when you’re working with him.”

So he picked up on that, huh?

“How am I supposed to let go of seventeen years of anger? He took everything from me. Anything that mattered was his to crush. You want me to pretend I don’t hate him with every fiber of my being?” I looked between the two of them, trying to stave off the tears that were threatening to pour out of my eyes.

Rowan took my hand in hers and squeezed my fingers. She stared at me with an earnestness in her eyes that I hadn’t seen before in her. “I can’t imagine what he put you through. I can’t even begin to imagine how you survived all of it, but you did. As many times as he’s tried to destroy you, he has failed. That’s got to mean something. Your anger is understandable—hell, it’s even deserved, but you’re holding on to things of the past when there’s nothing there for you anymore. This, right here, is happening now. You have a chance to make a real difference in the world. You can help free all those people locked up for crimes they didn’t commit. That can be your future… If you let go of your past.”

As much as I hated to hear it, I knew she was right.



Within the week, Rowan and Akil had all my things moved into a small home in Theskin, the capital city. They ordered me to head there immediately, but I had to stop somewhere first.

I traveled down a smooth cobblestone road and realized I was close once the road turned to dirt. I was exhausted from my travels, and at a certain point, it was by sheer will alone that I stood awake. Finally, just as the sun was coming up, I had reached my destination.

The car door popped open effortlessly, and I stepped onto the dirt road with my shiny white pumps.

Dask… Returning home after all this time feels odd. I feel like I’d never left in some ways, but in others, I feel like a total stranger.

I wanted to run up to where my house was, but I knew it wouldn’t be there.