Page 89 of Queen of Vengeance

I shook my hand free from him and held it to my chest.

“My apologies. I thought I recognized you from somewhere. My mistake.” He tilted his head at me, and I watched his dark brown eyes look me up and down. The mask covered the rest of his defining features except his ears. He looked Elvean, but his ears were much shorter than they should have been.

“I assure you, we’ve never met before. My name is Uremma Mirth. I’m new to Anterra. So, I unfortunately don’t know a living soul here.” I couldn’t believe how well I slipped into the role.

I guess all that practicing didn’t go to waste.

“Is that so? I’m happy to be your first acquaintance then. I’m Emory Blake.” He held out his hand for mine.

I placed my hand in his as it was impolite to deny him.

His lips gently brushed against my knuckles, and the moment felt too intimate.

I pulled my hand away and bowed my head. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’m needed over there.”

I couldn’t get away from him fast enough.

My heart pounded against my rib cage, and my face felt warm and flustered.

Who was that man?

“Miss Mirth, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. There’s a very eager fan waiting to meet you.” Akil wrapped his arm in mine and practically dragged me into the crowd.

To go from being locked up and having the same twenty people to talk to for seventeen years to being at a party with a bunch of people I don’t know was the most nerve-wracking thing of all.

Even with Rowan’s charm school lessons, I didn’t feel prepared to converse with these people.

“There she is, the woman of the hour.” Jax held out his arms and approached me.

Part of me was terrified that he would recognize me on the spot, but as we continued talking, I realized I was safe.

He probably didn’t even remember what I looked like. He cared so little about me, after all.

I was just another tool for his benefit.

My hands balled up into fists and burned with pain.

I realized too late that I was squeezing my hand so tightly that blood was dripping down from my palms. I immediately relaxed and offered Jax a smile.

I just have to remember that if I can play along for a little bit longer, I can take him down—destroy everything he built. I want to make him suffer the way he’s made me suffer.

Although the rage swelled inside of me, I made sure to keep my composure. “Mr. Ransom, I am delighted to make your acquaintance finally. I’ve heard nothing but good things about your talent. Your invention of the port powder was simply genius.”

I stabbed him a little with my words. I couldn’t help it.

I extended my hand toward his and shook it with all my strength.

“That’s quite a powerful grip you’ve got there.” He laughed uncomfortably before retracting his hand.

Damn, I need to keep on task. If I don’t charm him, this mission is as good as dead.

“Have you had a chance to taste the potion sample yet?” I asked, but I already knew the answer. “It’s intended to influence the mood of whoever drinks it. In this case, it gives one a euphoric feeling.”

The way that his face was flushed and his eyes were dazed… He had at least three or four by now.

Aside from my potion book, it looks like he’s also acquired a drinking problem.

“It’s a simply wonderful idea. Simple and wonderful.” The way he emphasized his words was an attempt to demean me.