“She’s got a lot to learn,” Agent Lexie grumbled as she approached Lea and inspected her more closely.
“And not a lot of time to do it,” Akil added. “What do you think of her as a ginger?”
“Hmm, it could work… It would drastically change her appearance. We can dress her in lighter, warmer colors, too. She’ll look like she came from a rich family across the sea. No one would suspect she was from a small village tucked away in the nowhere of Carvel.” Agent Lexie tapped her chin before spinning Lea around.
“Hello, I’m standing right here!” Lea waved her hands at them angrily.
“Oh, we know, darling. We see you—loud and clear.” Akil made a face before giving Lea a playful wink.
Oh, brother.
Lea rolled her eyes at him as they whisked her away from her potions.
Two months of nonstop studying had passed, and I felt no closer to becoming a potion producer than when I first started.
Although Akil seemed to think I was almost ready, he told me that getting anywhere in life requires ninety percent confidence, which was never my strong suit.
That was more Jax’s thing.
I sighed, collapsing onto the table and slapping my head into the middle of the book I was studying.
“Working hard, I see.” Agent Rowan Lexie came barging into Akil’s home the way she often did.
I snapped my head up, and my heart jumped into my throat simultaneously. “I just laid my head down for a second!”
“Sure you did.” She shrugged sarcastically. “Anyway, I have some good news for you. Akil says that you’re ready to move on. You can at least pass off being a potions producer with the information we’ve given you.”
A nervous shiver ran down my spine.
I didn’t feel up to it at all. I still had so much left to learn.
“The look on your face tells me you’re excited.” Rowan smacked her hands against the table like they were drums.
“Really? The look on my face should tell you I’m terrified.” I clenched my teeth together and smiled.
“Nonsense. You’ll be fine. We’ll be by your side as much as possible, so you’ll rarely ever be alone. Besides, I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit. I’ve seen the things you’re capable of. You have more talent in your little pinky than most potion producers I’ve met in my lifetime.” Rowan genuinely smiled back at me, catching me off guard.
It was rare that she wasn’t sarcastic in some way.
I didn’t know how to react to her being genuine.
“Good news, darling! I believe you’re ready—” Akil pushed both doors open and held out his arms while yelling at the top of his lungs.
“I already told her!” Rowan hollered from over her shoulder.
“Dammit, Rowan! I told you I wanted to announce it!” Akil stomped his talon toes aggressively.
Rowan turned back to me and stifled her laugh with a shrug.
I grew rather fond of these two in the last two months, but I’d done my best to keep my distance from them. I didn’t know how much more heartache I could take.
The next one might be the last straw before my heart gives out.
“Rowan’s treachery aside, I will host a party with all the industry bigwigs. That way, we can introduce you to Jax without arousing suspicion. Once we show off your skills, he’ll have no choice but to try and hire you.” Akil delighted himself with the plan.