This world was a cruel place that a child not only had to witness but was comfortable with the situation.
His family didn’t get the shakedown like the rest of the village because Zane would help Diesel from time to time, but that was it.
He was drawing the line in the sand. He wanted nothing more to do with Diesel or his terrible schemes.
Zane spent the rest of the day going around Dask and the neighboring villages to collect funds for Lea’s parents.
By the end of the day, it was nowhere near enough, but he wanted to give what he collected to her anyway.
In truth, he just wanted to see her. He wanted to know that she was alive.
It was pure dumb luck that she wasn’t home when Striker came.
“Or was it a coincidence?” Zane began questioning if Diesel did that in broad daylight simply because he knew Lea wouldn’t be home. “But why? It wasn’t like Diesel had a soft spot for kids.”
The situation seemed more suspicious as he looked at it, but he didn’t know enough to put the pieces together.
His thoughts fell away as he approached Lea’s home.
Lea was sitting outside staring out into nothingness.
Her face was gaunt, and her skin was pale.
She hadn’t eaten or taken care of herself in days.
Zane’s heart was wretched and pounded with a mixture of feelings. He was happy to see her alive but felt deep pain for her situation.
He hadn’t realized how much his feelings for her had flourished until now. However, it should have been a sign that he went around collecting funds for her when he was just as poor. He approached her slowly, hoping not to spook her since she didn’t seem to be paying attention. “Lea.”
She jumped slightly, which confirmed his suspicions about her. “Zane.”
He extended his hand, passing her an open envelope. “It’s not very much, but I hope it helps pay for your parents?—”
“I hope this helps,” he said, unable to bring himself to say the words. Losing his parents, especially his mother’s disappearance not too long ago, made him understand the pain of being orphaned at a young age.
Lea slowly took the envelope and held it with both hands over her lap. “I don’t know what to say, Zane. That’s very kind of you.”
Zane sat down next to her, holding his hand over hers. “Here for you; whatever you need, all you have to do is ask.”
Zane looked earnestly into her eyes, desperately seeking her to look at him the same way, but she didn’t.
She averted her gaze and nodded, thanking him again.
It was apparent that she didn’t feel the same way he felt about her. It wasn’t a pill Zane wanted to swallow, but he would if it meant he could comfort her in her time of need.
Jax sat at the dining table next to his mother, thinking about the situation with Lea.
It was horrible what happened to her parents, and what was more terrible was that he knew what happened to them.
His eyes were like daggers as he stared down Diesel, who was sitting across from him.
Diesel sat here speaking to his mother as if he was the man of the household.
It was clear he was trying to make a move on his mother, but his mother wasn’t foolish enough to fall for that—never mind that Diesel was her brother-in-law.