Page 27 of Queen of Vengeance

The overwhelming sense of hopelessness overcame me, and suddenly, I was numb again.

I couldn’t take it anymore. My body twisted, muscles rippling, and bones shifting beneath my skin. Claws extended from my fingertips, razor-sharp and gleaming. My teeth elongated into fangs. With a final shudder, I transformed entirely into my wolf form.

The sound of tearing cloth filled my ears as my clothes shredded to pieces around me.

I ran into the forest, where I knew no one could find me. I just wanted to be alone and away from everything.

Mema’s voice dissipated behind me as she called for me to return.

I’m sorry, Mema. I can’t!

The branches and leaves whipped against my coat but couldn’t hurt me due to my coat’s thickness.

The Solare sought to kiss my skin through the trees, but I didn’t want to be comforted.

I wanted to be angry. I knew, eventually, I would have to deal with this…

Diesel and that Beta wolf made me an orphan.

It was a reality I wasn’t ready to face.



Zane sat in his room, nervously tapping his foot and biting his nail.

The anxiety around him was palpable.

He knew this was the work of Jax’s uncle, and what was worse, it was something Jax had previously defended to Zane. He realized that if he had been there that afternoon, he could have stopped it the same way he stopped that wolf from killing that family. He wanted to help Lea, but it would come at the cost of outing himself.

If others found out he worked for Diesel in any capacity, he would have been kicked out of school.

Being blacklisted like that was something he couldn’t afford. However, he still wanted to help her in some way. He knew Lea, just like his family, was poor. This meant that there was no way they could afford a funeral for her parents.

“Perhaps I could raise some funds for it.”

It was the only solution he could come up with that didn’t include outing himself and Jax.

The anxiety took over Zane as he popped out of his chair and exited his room.

Outside, his little sister and brother, Daise and Lucas, were waiting for him. They knew he wasn’t in any mood to be trifled with today.

“You guys stay out of trouble. There’s food in the kitchen if you get hungry. I have to go help a friend today.” Zane patted Daise on the head before leaving their home.

“We know… We heard what happened.” Lucas spoke up.

Zane stopped dead in his tracks before turning and facing his two younger siblings. “What do you mean you’ve heard?”

“We were going for a walk when it happened. Besides, the whole village is talking about it.” Daise explained.

Zane’s chest ached with the thought that these two children were witness to such violence.

He knelt and pulled the both of them into a hug. “I’m so sorry you had to see that.”

“It’s okay. We hope your friend is okay.” Daise hugged Zane back with her little arms.

Zane only nodded, unable to bring himself to respond to them again.