Page 44 of Show & Sell

I take a deep breath and enter the numbers from the paper into my phone.

One ring, two rings, three rings, and I’m about to hang up when I hear her breathless voice come through the receiver.

“Hello, Aurora speaking.”

Such delicate tones. Her voice is music to my cock.

“Hi, Aurora. It’s Jasper.”

“Hi,” she says simply.

I think she’s purring. My cock’s rock hard.

“How are you?”

Small talk is usually not my thing, but I want to make this moment last as long as I can.

“Fine, and you?”

“Good. I just wanted to make sure you’re fine after the other night and not, you know…” I trail off because I’m not exactly sure where I’m going with this.

“I feel great, thank you for asking.”

I can’t believe how fucking polite she is.

“And I wanted to see if you’d meet me again.”

Here goes nothing. I’ll find out if she says yes or no. Up until I actually asked the question, I never considered she’d say no. But suddenly, I’m not so sure.

I mean, no woman has ever said no to me, Jasper Grayson. I’d hate this to be the first time.

“Sounds great. Where are we going?”

I chuckle and feel a sense of victory. “Let me surprise you.”

It’ll be one date she won’t forget in a hurry. I’ll make sure of it.Chapter 24Aurora

With a slightly trembling hand, I hang up the phone.

I can’t believe he just called me.

I never expected to hear from Jasper Grayson again.

He’s the bad boy of the three brothers—that much is clear. So I never thought I’d see him again. I thought for sure things with us would go no farther than a one-night stand.

Don’t get me wrong…it was a pretty hot night.

I close my eyes for a minute and just try to remember the way Jasper felt with his hands on my body. The image of his perfect cock and how it felt inside of me is enough to make me come right here.

A part of me wants to sneak back to my bedroom and masturbate to the thought of him. There’s another part of me that’s extremely worried about Anders.

Damn him. He ruins all my fun with the men. He ruins all my fun—period.

No matter how happy I am, ultimately, I’m always worried about Anders. He has an addiction. And it’s not going anywhere soon.

I decide to call Dr. Pembroke. He has to have some ideas on what we can do for Anders. Pushing all thoughts of Jasper and how badly I want him out of my mind, I get down to business.

“Dr. Pembroke? Hi, it’s Aurora again. How are you?”

“Aurora, so nice to hear from you. How’s your brother?”

“That’s the thing. That’s why I’m calling. He’s been out again. And he hasn’t been home in several days. I’m really starting to worry, and I think he might be in really bad shape,” I say with sadness in my voice.

“Oh, dear, that’s not good. Not good at all. He has to keep clean for a while, or those drugs are gonna take over his system, and he will need a serious amount of detoxing. When was the last thing you heard from him?”

I think a minute to the last time I saw Anders. It’s been a while. He was in a drugged-out state like usual.

“I don’t know, a few days maybe.”

“Well, once he shows up, I’ll need to see him. We need to make sure his vital signs are okay. I wish that he would enter rehab of his own accord,” the doctor says.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as I realize what he’s saying. He and I both know what a precarious position Anders is in. This is my older brother, for God’s sake.

I’ll never give up on him.

And at the same time, I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost him.

“Thank you, Dr. Pembroke. I’ll contact you as soon as I can find him. I know he needs treatment, but I just don’t see him making that decision on his own.”

Dr. Pembroke is a kind man. He’s been our doctor for as long as I can remember. He’s watched Anders go from healthy and strong to a drugged-out shell of a man.

It must be hard for him to watch. But it’s certainly harder on me as his sister.

For the thousandth time, I imagine what my parents would do if they were here.

What’s the answer to this problem?

“Okay, Aurora, you just keep me posted. Don’t worry. Everything will be all right,” he says.

“Okay, thank you.”

I hang up the phone, and the tears fall freely now. I can’t imagine living my life without my older brother. The man I always looked up to, the man who always had my best interests at heart, is now gone to the dark underworld of drugs.

My parents envisioned a better life for us than this. They had us both slated to run the business. That day came all too soon, though.