Page 37 of Show & Sell

“Are you alright, babe?” he says, concern in his voice and eyes.

I nod. “My shoes, they’re too high.”

With one quick look he assesses the situation, and he bends down and picks me up.

“I can always take care of you,” he whispers into my ear, and I feel goosebumps on the back of my neck and arms.

He voice is so sexy. It caresses my insides and promises so much. His muscles of steel hold my body like it’s weightless, like I’m light as air.

And the idea of him taking care of me makes me feel suddenly free—as though I’m not alone with my fears and concerns anymore.

Maybe he can handle me and all of my issues. Maybe I’m not too much for this one, especially with my concerns about Anders and money.

It seems to take no time at all to get down the stairs and out the door. No one’s around. All those important people he introduced me to earlier are gone.

Of course, they’re all tucked into their seats, watching the drama unfold of Carmen jilting her lover.

The limousine’s parked outside. How or when Finn called the limo is beyond me. All I know is that cool air assaults my skin as we leave the building behind us.

The cold wind catches my bare skin, and my arms wrap a little tighter around Finn’s neck. I nuzzle my face into his chest.

I bury my cheeks into his warmness, shielding them from the icy cold night air. I feel like he’s my prince, holding me this way so I don’t risk blistering my feet.

And the urge to feel him inside of me intensifies.

Part of me almost regrets he didn’t take me in there. I would’ve liked to have had sex on the balcony in close sight of everyone.

It was exciting. It still is. Just being near Finn makes my life seem like an eternal adventure.

For a second, Anders enters my mind, and I think I should check my phone or call around to see where he is. But I quickly put those thoughts to the side so I can focus on my man.

“You okay, baby?” he asks, walking me down the front steps of the building.

“Yes,” I smile. “I’m just happy to be here with you, that’s all.”

The driver opens the door for us, and Finn puts me down on the soft leather seats of the car.

“Now,” growls Finn next to me as the car leaves the curb. “Where were we?”

My eyes fix on the growing bulge in his pants. Could it be possible that his cock has grown even more since before?

I feel a sense of anticipation growing by the second between my legs. Throbbing and pulsing rhythms intermingle with my wetness.

I can’t help it. He makes me feel this way. If my dress doesn’t have a stain on it by the end of the night, I’ll be surprised.

“I think,” I whisper to him, “you were in need of some help.”

One hand rubs his crotch while the other undoes his button. My hand’s trembling, and my mouth’s open a bit already, as if this would bring him closer to me.

Finn pushes my hand away and rips his own pants off. I think I hear a seam tearing.

I sigh. Such a waste. They were a nice-fitting pair of slacks.

With his massive cock freed, I feel at last like I might be ready for Finn.

I mean, I’ve been ready the whole night, but the sight of his cock and just how big it is makes me a little nervous. I’m hungry for him, but nervous all the same.

Fuck. It’s happening—he and I together with no distractions.

I quiver a little as my eyes take in the enormous size of this juicy cock between his legs.

Have I really had something this big in me before? I feel revirginized. It seems almost impossible for me to take in his length—and yet my pussy’s yearning for it.

I try to appear confident as I say the words, “Can I suck it?”

He stares at me hard before saying, “Yes. baby. Does my little slut want this cock down her throat?”

I nod my head in submission. Inside, I’m aching to have him in my mouth, down my throat.

“Then come here,” he says with a tone of urgency.

The subtle hint of aggression in his voice is enough to make me cream my panties. I drop to my knees in front of him. Gingerly, I reach for his pulsing cock.

My fingers wrap around him, barely able to squeeze my hand around the girth of his delicious member.

Finn groans and grabs my hair. “Fuck, baby, I need you now.”

My eyes find his, and I can see the desire burning in his eyes. I realize he does need me.

With the realization, power surges through me. Suddenly, I understand what it feels like to have a man totally at your mercy.