Page 62 of Show & Sell

My cum.

I took these.

“What do you see when you look at these pictures?” I ask.

Aurora moves closer, examining each one in the set of six. She doesn’t act shocked or even surprised.

“Well, of course, I see the obvious erotica stuff. But there’s something more…the women are enjoying it. It’s like they can finally let go and become unbothered by anything but the pleasure of the moment. And the photographer is claiming his subject and this moment. He’s bearing witness to their sexual empowerment,” she says, leaning closer to examine the artist card.

My name’s there on the card. Declan Grayson—erotic artist extraordinaire.

“These are yours, Declan?” she asks, her cheeks flushing.

I nod and say, “That’s exactly right. Do you still like them?”

“Yes,” she says in barely more than a whisper.

I love that I’ve taken her off guard and also that she’s given me her honest opinion on my photos. I live in a world surrounded by people-pleasers, and it’s refreshing to, for once, have an unfiltered opinion.

I want to know her thoughts. Suddenly, I crave validation—which is so unlike me. I’ve never cared what anyone thought of me until now.

For some reason, I care about her.

And she makes me want to be a better man.

Fuck. I think I’m getting in deep.Chapter 34Aurora

Dark green eyes follow my every move.

Wherever I go in the gallery, his eyes chase me. He’s possessive, and I find that I like to be under his gaze. I find that I like to be the object of his desire.

Is that so wrong? I’ve suffered enough for the sake of my life, and now it’s time to have some fun.

Even though I feel comfortable with Declan, there’s this wild sense of desire and sexual tension happening between us.

It’s obvious to both of us. It’s unspoken and true.

So, as I meander throughout the space trying to check out the black-and-white photographs, I know that he’s with me even at a distance.

What Declan failed to tell me was that this is an erotic art show. It’s not just any old gallery opening. All of the pictures feature beautiful women who are seductive and in full sexual bloom.

I admire the photos and the women in them.

I wish I were more like that. As it is, I’m a bit of a novice when it comes to sex. It’s something I wanted all my life, and now that I have it, it makes me quake with nervousness.

Maybe it’s something about the Grayson brothers. They’re so hot and commanding that I feel apprehensive just being in their presence.

There’s something edgy about Declan, too. He has an eye for art and design. He has a volatile nature, I can tell that already.

He’s an accomplished artist—moody and intense.

I find that I like to be the center of his attention, because he has an obvious eye for beauty. His life revolves around it, and I can see that’s true by the various models that prowl around the place.

They’re gorgeous, like exceptionally so, but then I feel Declan’s eyes wander only for me.

He wants me.

Does that sound conceited?

Well, you would feel the same way if you were the center of Declan’s focus. He’s really hot, and he’s really smart. That much is undeniable.

I pretend to be interested in the photo I’m looking at. I pretend not to notice that he’s walking my way.

“Like what you see?” he says.

The sultry, deep tone of his voice makes my pussy tremble with want and desire.

“I...I really like it. Who’s the artist?”


I turn to face him to see if he’s serious, and upon doing so, I can tell that he is.

He’s always serious.

“You mean you took all these photos?” I ask incredulously.

If only I had known from the beginning that the lens I was looking through was his own view of the world...of women.

“Sure did.”

For a minute, I look around the room, and the shots of extremely hot models posing in all kinds of seductive positions, well, it makes me a little bit jealous. To think of these models being alone in a room with Declan makes me wish that it were me and not them.

Of course, I say none of this.

“Well, you have an eye for beauty. That’s for sure.”

“You think so?” he says, putting his arm around my slim waist.

I try to control the fluttering butterflies that erupt within my system when he touches me. I try to control the shakiness in my voice.

“Yes, you’re very talented. I’d like to buy a piece if I could.”

He looks at me with interest, and then he says, “Well, I can do you one better. How’d you like to model for me, Aurora?”

I feel shy as I say, “You can’t be serious. I’m not a model, Declan. I wouldn’t know how to do it.”

“You don’t have to know anything. You just have to be yourself. Trust me, I can help you with that.”