Can’t wait to put you on your hands and knees and fuck you until you’re begging for it, then make you suck my cock so you see how good you taste
Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are when you get embarrassed?
I want to come on your tits again
I know what we’re doing tonight :)
Fuuuuuuck. Can’t
Late shoot. Not sure when we’ll wrap
I guess Chauncy will keep me company
Send pic
Fucking hell
For the love of god don’t ask me to delete this
I miss seeing your face in the morning
Me too
I have ten minutes
Can I see you?
On set B all day :(
Good morning
Good night, Lucky Charms
With the time crunch ticking over their heads like a nuclear countdown, Sirius Darker careened to the finish line on greased rails. Everything worked. What didn’t work got fixed. And what didn’t get fixed was brow-beaten into submission by the crew.
Cass had been right. Waiting until Brynne and Dawson knew each other better made all the difference in the final shots. Brynne wore despair that had half the crew in tears, and Dawson a desperate stoicism that wrecked the other half.
Everyone, from the caterers to the sound techs, sobbed.
Except for Josh. He was ecstatic.
They got it. They fucking got it. It was perfect. Now all that was left was a couple of days to film B-roll, and they were done. They might not even need to do reshoots.
He knew he should be celebrating with Melanie, or Brynne and Dawson. Or any number of other people.
They could all go fuck themselves.
He wanted her voice in his ear. Her soft skin under his hands, against his body. Those hazel eyes looking straight past every barrier he put between them. She was the only one he wanted.