I’m yours, always x
My heart swelled as I read the words, but at the same time it ached that a love so great was being shared.
Underneath the note was a shoe box. Nothing excited me like a shoe box! Especially this shoe box. A white top with black edges and base. Glossy and strong. Five magical letters spelling one of my favourite words… Gucci…
I teased the lid open, rubbing the tissue paper between my fingers with a smile. A smile that grew wider as I unwrapped the amazing heels that I’d been lusting over the other day with Luke. They were stupidly expensive. They were spectacular. They were mine! I ran my finger down the beautiful sole as I felt Luke’s breath behind me.
“I just wanted to do something special for you.”
I put the box down and jumped straight into Luke’s arms. “They’re beautiful, this is beautiful. You’re beautiful.” A giddy laugh escaped my lips as I kissed him. “I love being here.”
“I love you being here,” Luke smiled as he watched me put the shoes on. “They look perfect. I knew they would. Shall I?” He gestured at the champagne bottle and I nodded. As if I was going to say no to champagne.
“Did you go back for them? You shouldn’t have spent so much.” I was glad he had though!
Luke blushed. “I’m not trying to be flashy or anything. I could see how much you wanted them. If you’d loved the cheap ones, I would’ve got them instead,” he grinned, pushing the cork out of the champagne with a familiar pop. Handing me a glass of fizzing bubbles, he spoke. “This part of the surprise looks a little luxurious, I admit. But I hope you like my plans for this evening, they aren’t quite as fancy.”
“I’m intrigued, tell me more.”
“If I describe it, it sounds rubbish, so I want you to see it. Wait here five minutes and I will come get you.” He looked excited as he kissed me before disappearing to the kitchen, taking the champagne bucket and his own glass.
I couldn’t keep still as I waited. Longest five minutes ever! The bubbles from the champagne were fizzing in my stomach alongside my anticipation. Luke returned with a black scarf and blew the candles out.
“You got my favourite candles too,” I smiled at him.
“Can you behave and keep your eyes closed, or shall I put this on?” he asked as he proffered the scarf towards me.
“God, this is mysterious!” I turned around so he could tie the scarf over my eyes. “I can’t behave, so go ahead. You aren’t trying to take advantage of me, are you?”
“Don’t need a blindfold for that.” I felt him take hold of both of my hands and lead me through the kitchen. “Careful on the steps.” Warm, fresh air hit my face, and I guessed that Luke was leading me down the path into his back garden. A few more steps and I heard the swish of what sounded like canvas. Luke’s strong hands were on my shoulders. “I’m taking it off now.” He sounded like a child with an amazing surprise, and I was reminded again of how I loved his enthusiasm and zest. He was melting my heart.
I opened my eyes and blinked at the beautiful sight that greeted me. We were in a white, tepee-style tent, which I knew must take up most of the garden. There were eight wooden poles that slanted upwards to create the peak of the roof and each of them had strings and strings of warm, white rice lights entwined around, giving the inside of the tepee an amazing, luminescent glow. On the far side I saw a den, an assortment of soft blankets, beautiful silk pillows, faux fur throws, and cushions of beautiful colours, creating a beautiful place to sit or lie. Next to Luke and me was a large tray, housing the champagne and all my favourite snacks. Luke knew my favourite everything.
I looked up at his earnest face. “Do you like it?”
“I love it! Can we live like this?” I looked around again, transfixed by how dazzling everything was, Luke included. The soft glow from the lights grew more luscious by the minute.
“When I was travelling, I spent a night like this in the desert. I wished so much you were there to see it. So, I decided to recreate it, as best I could anyway.” He ran his hand through his hair, looking abashed. “Would you spend the night in here with me?”
“I would spend forever in here with you.” He kissed me as we stepped forwards towards the blankets and pillows. Within seconds we were naked, apart from the shoes of course, and coiled up together, the feel of his body and all the different materials driving me insane.
Time felt endless as we lay together, looking up at the lights, almost like tiny stars in a beautiful sky, not needing to say a word. We spent an age consuming the food, the drink and each other, the air inside the tepee warm and invigorating.
“What are you thinking about?” asked Luke, as he traced his finger lazily around my belly button.
I smiled at him. “Just how perfect this is, it’s like nothing else exists right now.”
“I wish we could stay this way. I wish I knew things were going to turn out right.” He closed his eyes and rested his head against me.
“Nobody ever knows what’s around the corner for them, Luke, that’s not only us,” I tried to reassure him, but sadly, I knew exactly what he meant.
“I think I should never let you leave.” He pressed his lips to mine again. “I’ll keep you here as my prisoner.” The kisses moved down my neck and across my collarbone. “You’d be the best kept prisoner in the world, I promise. I’d lavish you with food and wine and love and attention.” He flipped me over onto a soft, silky pillow, which I buried my face in. My breaths coming fast as his lips glanced light kisses from the nape of my neck down to the base of my spine, before making their way back up and whispering in my ear, “Please stay with me, Lily.” Then he sucked all the breath out of me once again as I heard him rip open a foil packet. I sighed happily, already in love with what he was about to do.
Afterwards, I lay with my head on his chest, his heart beating quickly in my ear as my own continued to race alongside it. He took a long, deep breath. “Is it like that with him, Lily? Honestly?”
I closed my eyes, knowing this wasn’t a good conversation to have. “It’s not that simple to answer. It’s different, you’re different people.”
“You’re avoiding the question. I wonder, the way we feel about each other, the way we are together, it can’t be that special twice over.” Luke sounded torn in two as he spoke.