Music began to play downstairs, and I could hear the familiar sound of Luke prepping in the kitchen. I wanted him to want me, constantly, like I did him. I wanted to be irresistible to him, to spiral out of control together. I put on one of his shirts and left the rest of me naked, my hair loose and messed up from being with him, as I padded down the stairs.
Luke had left me a glass of wine on the worktop; I took it gladly and sat on a stool, watching him. He was such a good cook and had always despaired of my habits like left over pizza or toasties for a full week. “What are you making?” I asked, frustrated he hadn’t noticed me.
“I’m hoping Stroganoff is still on your favourite list because that’s what I’m making,” he said, concentrating on a pan.
“It is when you make it,” I answered. “Magic touch in the kitchen.” Infuriatingly, he still hadn’t looked at me. “Not just in the kitchen…”
He glanced over to smile, then did a double take. Got you! Turning the hob down, he crossed over to me and kissed me roughly, his knee slid between my legs to part them. “Lily… you have to prepare me if you’re going to walk in looking like that. I’m going to burn the food…” He rubbed his knee against me, still making me long for more of him. “Food, then you can continue that thought. I’m making sure you eat properly, no arguments.” He kissed the tip of my nose as he returned to the pan.
Everything felt flawless as we ate together. We laughed and talked like we always had. The food was so good, and this all came with the added bonus of shared touches, a brief squeeze of a hand, a kiss on the lips as a plate was handed over, legs tangled together through the meal. It felt so natural and so good, I had no problem ignoring the outside world. It pained me when I later realised, but I didn’t think of Zack, not once.
“What shall we do tonight then?” I knew he was teasing me. I still longed to know how much he wanted me, and he wasn’t going to admit it, I could tell.
“Watch the news, cup of tea in bed, straight to sleep?” I tried to keep as straight a face as I could. Neither of us wanted to cave and be the one to admit what we both knew was a certainty tonight.
“It’s certainly an option…” He watched me, the intensity of the air between us felt dangerous and flammable. “You asked me once, how I held back from kissing you when we used to turn the lights off and dance. Maybe we should do that again?”
“Would you show the same restraint though?” I asked.
“Would you want me to?” He shrugged and smiled. “You aren’t dressed for dancing, but let’s see what happens.”
He led me to the living room, swiping at his phone for a minute as music began to play from speakers ensconced around the room. I smiled as I recognised the The Scientist.
“You remember this night?” Luke asked, as he took me in his arms and we began to sway.
“It was magic. I still don’t know how you got the tickets.”
“Me and Coldplay go way back,” he teased, I poked him in the side playfully before looping my arms around his neck, looking up at him as we moved together. “When they played this song you were in front of me, my arms wrapped around you. The whole crowd was singing under the stars. But every word that left my mouth was for you, you just didn’t know.”
“Why couldn’t you ever say? You’re such a confident person.”
“Most of the time I am. But nothing else ever mattered like this. Nothing will ever matter the way that you do.”
He reached down and kissed me. I was adrift in his words, his presence, his love.
“I want you…” I whispered against his lips.
“I learned a lot about you this afternoon…” My knees turned to jelly at his words, the desire between us burned. “You are utterly honest, wonderful and sexy as hell. I want to touch and know and love every, single, beautiful inch of your body … what do you say?” I couldn’t speak. Nobody had ever had that power over me. “What happened earlier- I needed you right away, but now we can take our time.”
I blinked at him, nodding, knowing I was his. Totally his.
I winced at the bright sunshine inching through the curtains as my eyes opened the next morning. I felt Luke’s warm body as I reached behind me and exhaled with relief – It had been real. I twisted around to cuddle him, wincing as I did. He’d worn me out. I was exhausted and sore, but every ache made me shiver and smile with the memory of how amazing it had been, and exactly what had caused that ache.
Luke shifted in the bed as I held him, waking from sleep. I stayed quiet and still, wanting to see how this would be, not knowing how this would be. The newness of it so exhilarating.
“Good morning.” His voice was gravelly and so sexy.
“Morning.” This felt so good I couldn’t stand the torment of it. Every nerve in my body was on overdrive. I’d been awake less than a minute, and I was desperate for him all over again. “Are you OK?” I asked.
“Mmhmm, just tired,” he answered. “The best kind of tired though.”
I kissed across his shoulder and down the top of his arm. “I don’t think I can walk,” I smiled as I lay against him.
“Then stay here with me,” he squeezed me tighter to him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” I nuzzled into his shoulder and breathed in the scent of him once more, my eyes closing in happiness, the feeling of fulfilment flowing through my mind.
The next I knew, I was alone. Glancing at my phone I saw it was gone lunchtime. I sat up quickly and winced as my thighs burned with an ache. I picked up a note that was on the bedside table next to me, admiring Luke’s gorgeous handwriting that I knew so well from work.