“Found out what?!” I asked, confused.

“That I have Luke staying here,” she replied.

“Oh, right, no, I mean yes. I knew he was back but not with you. That’s sort of what I wanted to ask about. We need a catch-up. It’s been too long, and I also want to clear the air with Luke. So, I was wondering about coming over, Friday night maybe? Kill two besties with one stone and all that?” I hoped I sounded casual enough.

“Sounds good to me lovely, but let me check Luke is OK with it, yeah?”

“Of course.”

“Only problem is he has the granny flat. You’d have to sleep on a couch if you stay over.” she said. “The spare room isn’t finished.”

“Not a problem, don’t worry. I do love the fact, though, that nobody over the age of thirty actually sleeps in your granny flat.”

“They will one day. I was future proofing and hoping for built-in babysitters. Bloody need them now that you’ve up and moved!” she teased.

“Love you too,” I joked. “I need to go. Let me know about Friday asap. I need Zack to come round to the idea.”

“Zack would never refuse you anything. I’ll speak to Luke when he gets back.” She blew an exaggerated kiss and hung up.

It was ridiculous, but jealousy stung me at the thought of Cassie and Luke hanging out. I took a deep breath as the importance of this to me settled. I knew, of course, that she’d get the go ahead from Luke.

We made arrangements for the next weekend. I noticed Zack sneak glances at my phone on a few occasions, which only put me in a worse mood. Neither of us had apologised. We’d settled back into a mostly normal routine.

As the night arrived, I couldn’t rid myself of a sinking feeling.

Cassie was welcoming as ever, of course, inviting us into her lovely, warm home- the mini mansion- nestled in a gorgeous, wide street full of other mini mansions and middle-class children who ate quinoa and pesto. Zack and I sleeping on the sofa for the night wasn’t going to work, so I’d driven. If one of us was going to drink, I’d prefer it to be Zack. That way, I was more in control of my words.

Guy and Luke were opening up bottles of wine in the kitchen as we walked in.

“Hi,” I hugged Guy and then looked at Luke. It was surreal. The last time that face was in front of mine, he kissed me. “Sight for sore eyes. Good trip?” I hugged him, wanting to seem like old friends greeting each other and nothing more.

Luke smiled as Zack greeted them both. “Great trip, thank you. I’ll bore you with stories later, they’re sick of them,” he motioned towards Guy and Cassie. “How are you both doing? You moved in together while I was away?”

Zack jumped in like a shot. “Yep, been a busy year,” he smiled as he shook Luke’s hand. Was it sincere? Who knew?

The floor vibrated. How did tiny feet make such an impact? Ruby and Emilia barrelled into the room and charged at Zack and I for hugs. It was a welcome relief from small talk when they dragged us both away to play Hungry Hippo’s.

We shared homemade pizzas; the girls, of course, had their toppings arranged into smiley faces. The table was covered in empty wine and beer bottles soon enough. I had stuck to the lemonade, determined to stay in control.

“OK you two, bedtime.” Cassie clapped her hands.

“I want Lily to put me to bed,” said Ruby.

“I want Luke,” sang Emilia.

Cassie looked at us. “That OK with you?” I don’t think she knew who to check with.

I looked at Zack, “Do you mind?” I spoke quietly, not wanting it to seem like I was asking permission yet fully aware that that was exactly what was happening.

“How could you possibly say no to that little face?” he smiled at Ruby. “No problem, don’t worry. Guy, shall we nip down the road?” We all knew down the road meant the pub.

I wasn’t sure Zack was quite as relaxed as he made out, but I also knew he wouldn’t want to let on in front of Luke that he had any issue. Luke and I headed upstairs with the two gorgeous little girls.

I whispered to Luke as they brushed their teeth. “I’m sorry, this evening turned out nothing like I planned. I hoped we could talk properly.”

“It’s OK, don’t worry. No rush.” Luke moved out of their view and brushed his hand against mine. “Are you alright?”

I nodded. “Yes, you?”