“Guy will be home in half an hour. Do you want me to come round?” Cassie asked.
“No,” I replied. “I’ll be OK. Can you go see Luke? I’m scared that we can’t be friends now after this. He was so upset, Cassie.”
“I’ll go see him. Are you sure you’re alright on your own?” she asked.
“I’ll be fine. I need to digest this. That’s all.” I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince Cassie or myself as I ended the call.
The next couple of weeks were beyond awkward. I tried to keep away from Luke and give him space. Cassie said he was OK, but it didn’t seem that way. It felt as though I was paying a price for having found happiness with Zack, the price being losing Luke. There also wasn’t much opportunity to see Zack between family commitments of mine and pre wedding plans he’d already made with friends, which was frustrating. The time alone just left space for more doubt to enter my mind.
Eventually, though, the wedding weekend arrived. Zack was heading to the castle on Friday afternoon to spend time with the groom on his last night as a single man. I was catching the earliest train and meeting him there on Saturday morning. I needed this weekend to work. I needed to prove that I’d made the right choice because really, I wasn’t sure of anything anymore.
As the taxi approached the castle, my mouth dropped open in awe. The grand building was surrounded by formal gardens, and there was a hubbub of activity as staff whirled around, busy with preparations. I headed into the traditional yet luxurious reception and picked up a key to room two hundred and six, which Zack had left for me.
“Hello,” I called quietly as I opened the door, paranoid that I either had the wrong room or was disturbing him. Zack’s happy face popped out from the bathroom.
“Hey, let me help you,” said Zack, eyeing the bulky suitcase and bag behind me. “You know this is one night, yeah?”
“Some of us need more than a suit, thank you.” I raised an eyebrow at him and smiled as he carried the bags through to the main part of the room. I followed him, taking in how gorgeous the surroundings were. Then I was pulled into a deep and sultry kiss. His fingers hooked into the waistband of my jeans and held me against him in a firm grip. My fingers tangled into his hair as he bit my bottom lip, in that way I had come to adore over the past few weeks.
“I missed you, feels like ages since I saw you properly,” he said.
“I know, it’s been too long.” I sucked at my lip where the tingles from his bite were still calming down. “This place is incredible.” My eyes travelled around the room. On the far wall was a huge window, which let sunlight flood in as it looked out over the gardens and lake. It was opposite the most amazing four-poster bed I had ever laid my eyes on- dark wood polished and gleaming, gorgeous cushions and throws arranged like a work of art. The butterflies returned as I thought of being in that bed with Zack tonight. He must’ve read my mind and squeezed my hand in reassurance.
“If you think that’s nice, wait until you see the bath,” he winked at me.
“Well, I do need to go and get ready, so maybe I’ll check it out,” I stretched up onto my tiptoes and kissed him, loving the reaction it caused. “Won’t be long.”
I closed my eyes for a second as I locked the bathroom door. So far, so good. There was incredible tension between us, it was hot and fiery, and I was ready to implode. I took deep breaths and tried to think rationally. It had been six weeks now since our first date. Both physically and emotionally, things had been going further and further with us each time we met. Now we were in a castle, with a giant bed, at the most romantic wedding I could’ve imagined. Tonight was going to be the night - I didn’t know if I was more scared or excited.
Cassie had helped me find an amazing dress. It was a rich, deep red, the silky material skimmed my knees. Looking in the mirror, I admired the way it wrapped around at the front to create a beautiful, tight waistline, which fed into an elegant bow at the back over the base of my spine. Apart from a thin strap across the top of my shoulder blades, the back was cut out, my bare skin exposed. The Talbot Runhof had cost a small fortune but was so worth it.
I opened Cassie’s shoe box, which I’d guarded with my life. She had let me borrow her gorgeous, lucky shoes from my first date again. I noticed a velvet bag, which shouldn’t be there. I picked it up tentatively and spotted a handwritten note.
I know Zack is a good guy, but even the good ones are arseholes sometimes, so use the condoms! The other bits are just for fun! Dirty Deets when you get home, please!
Love Cassie xxx
I was mortified. Underneath the letter I found six condoms, fancy lube and a can of body spray by Tom Ford called ‘Fucking Fabulous’. As frustrating as Cassie was, it did smell good. I sprayed it over myself before hiding the bag again.
Make up – check. Hair – check. Dress – check. Ready for this? Debatable.
“Are you almost done? I’m going to drink the champagne all by myself otherwise,” Zack called from outside the door.
“Don’t you dare! One minute. Pour me a glass, please.” I gave myself a final once over before I stepped back out into the main area of the room. My stomach felt fizzy enough without champagne. “Ta-da,” I smiled and did a slow twirl.
“Oh my god, Lily.” Zack couldn’t take his eyes off me. I grinned as I twirled, revelling in the attention. “You look incredible, like beyond belief… I don’t think I can let you leave this room.” His fingers were ice cold from opening the champagne as he pressed them to the bare skin on my back, drawing a gasp from me. I took his glass with a smile, sipping the bubbles as I looked him up and down. He’d got changed while I was hogging the bathroom. He wore a dark grey, three-piece suit which had a subtle check to it. His hair was styled exactly the way I liked it, practically begging me to run my fingers through it.
“You look pretty good yourself,” I smiled coyly. “Think I’ll have to keep an eye out in case any bridesmaids try to steal you away.” Now I had the heels on again, our eyes were level. I placed two kisses along his neck, careful not to mark his shirt with my red lips.
“As if I could have eyes for anyone else. I feel like I’m obsessed with you, Lily Forshaw, I can’t keep my mind off you.”
A cold, nervous shiver mocked me as I took a deep breath. The soft fabric of Zack’s shirt tickled at my nose. He didn’t mean it like that. He isn’t like that.
Zack hugged me to him, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think. I didn’t mean to say it that way.”