Does that mean you’re free tomorrow? Still want to come see the kids with me?
A Sunday, with my best friends and two gorgeous kids? Sounds perfect!
Great. I need to talk to you after though, if that’s OK?
Absolutely, are you alright? Can talk now if something’s wrong?
No, tomorrow is fine, sleep well. Remember that cold pizza for breakfast is gross! x
Damn, you know me so well. I saved half exactly for that purpose! You sleep well too xx
I awoke early, intrigued about what Luke wanted to discuss and excited to spend the day with friends. I suspected he’d either met someone himself or was going away again. Things had felt slightly askew between us since he’d been back. I did, disgracefully, eat cold pizza for breakfast despite his warnings. I gave the flat a spring clean and jumped in the longest shower I’d had for ages. Sporting casual, grey jeggings and a maroon, cross neck top, my hair wavy and wild, I set off to meet everyone in the park.
As I approached, I spotted Luke with Ruby and Emilia. His arms swapped between their swings, pushing them high as they squealed in delight. I circled round to approach them from the back, sneaking up to jab him in the ribs.
“I saw you a mile away, Lily,” he grinned and moved to the side, giving us a swing each.
“Where’s Cassie?” I asked as I glanced around.
“She looked tired, so I said we could handle them alone. We can handle them, can’t we?” He threw me a panicked look, and I laughed.
“You coped alone in Uganda. What’s the worst two little girls can do?”
“Were you alright on Friday night? You didn’t look good,” he asked, caution in his voice. “Zack whisked you away before I could check.”
“I was fine, stop worrying,” I smiled at him as I continued to push the swing. “He isn’t a bad guy, Luke.”
“When I see a man taking a drunk girl - a very drunk girl home, it’s a worry. I know what you’re like in that state.”
I frowned at him. “What do you mean? What am I like when I’m drunk?”
He sighed, delighting Ruby by pushing her even higher. “I’m not going to embarrass you!”
“No, go on. You’ve not mentioned this before. What do I do when I’m drunk?”
Luke looked at me and sighed. “Sometimes, Lily, just sometimes, you sort of…” he ran his hand through his hair, looking bashful. I stared at him, I wasn’t going to let this go.
“You, well… You get all flirty and suggestive. I know that it passes, and you fall asleep and snore. Another guy might not. Zack might not.”
“I’ve never done that! You’re lying!” I nudged my hip into his. He simply raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Anyway, nothing happened. Zack stayed over. He was a perfect gentleman, he just wanted to make sure I wasn’t sick. He isn’t horrible, I promise.”
“If we weren’t in a kids’ playground, I could quote a selection of what you’ve said while drunk, but it would be obscene,” he winked at me.
I laughed to myself. “You’re making it up, stop. I’m starving, can we buy them ice cream? Buy me a sandwich at the same time?”
Luke lifted the two girls out of the swings. In a row of four, we held hands as we headed out of the park and towards the café. All happy, enjoying the moment.
“Actually,” I glanced at my phone screen, “It’s almost their nap time. Shall I take them back? You still want to talk?”
As Luke nodded, his blond hair bobbed on his forehead. “How about I grab Starbucks and meet you at yours?”
“Sounds perfect. You got a key?”
“I do. Caramel Macchiato?” he asked.
“Yep. Don’t you dare turn up without whipped cream,” I grinned.
Half an hour later, I let myself in, and my heart filled up with happy. I mean, who doesn’t want to open the door to find a gorgeous blond with their favourite coffee?! Luke was still adjusting back to the English springtime after his travels. He wore an unseasonably thick, slate-grey jacket, over jeans and a t-shirt. I wrapped my arms around his middle and squeezed him hard.