He tossed me my pants, then my shirt, my tie, my underwear, and finally my jacket. I watched him for a few minutes as he got dressed, stood up, and stretched.

“What are you waiting for?” he looked down at me, still sitting on the ground.

“Hand me some moss,” I sighed.

Sylvan merely chuckled and scooped more of the plush green foliage up from the ground. I shuddered to think of all the little creatures and microbiomes living amongst the stuff, but I had no choice but to use it.

“You’re a strange man, Irving,” he said as I stood up.

“What makes you say that?” I brushed the dirt and fir needles off of my legs.

“One minute you’re berating me and complaining about bugs and dirt, and the next minute you’re fucking me in the middle of the woods. I wish I could make heads or tails of you.”

He circled behind me and helped clean the backs of my thighs and my ass. I was tempted to turn around and grab him before he could leave, doing this all over again, but I’d regained some of my common sense again, and I thought better of the impulse.

“Will I see you again?” I asked as we left the clearing together, a little more disheveled than when we ducked behind the trees earlier.

“Do you want to?” Sylvan asked. “Because an hour ago–“

“An hour ago, I couldn’t quite remember what it was like being wrapped in your arms. I don’t know how we’re going to work out our differences, but I’m not giving that up.”

Sylvan smiled down at the ground as we walked. “Well, I would like to see your apartment at some point, I must admit. And you can’t have me over if we hate each other.”

“Oh, I don’t think you’ll like it much.”

“I don’t have to like it. It’s not my living space. But I would still like to see where you call home.”

“Maybe someday, but not yet. The last man I invited into my home ended things pretty badly, and I don’t want a repeat of that – ever.”

Sylvan nodded. “My place, then. How about tomorrow?”

“You’ll make sure the house is clean, won’t you?”

“Of course.”

“All right, then. I’ll be there after work.”

“Can you leave work early?”

“No, certainly not. I only leave work early for emergencies.”

“Of course that would be your answer.” He shook his head wearily. “After work, then. And don’t worry, I’ll be ready for you.”

I nodded, not bothering to hold back my smile this time. I stood no chance of concentrating on my classes tomorrow with Sylvan occupying my mind.



It was hard saying goodbye to Irving, but the promise of seeing him again the next day was enough to keep me going. I gave him one last kiss before we went our separate ways, one to tide us over until tomorrow.

I skipped home with an extra spring in my step. I had much to do over the coming day, including finishing my latest commission and cleaning up after myself. I didn’t mind the mess, but Irving did, and I wanted to show him that I respected his feelings, as silly as they might be sometimes. There was nothing hotter than a man who knew what he wanted, and if Irving wanted my cabin to look like it was untouched by either human or fae, I could do that much for him.

As soon as I walked in my front door, I realized how much of a shambles I’d left the cabin in. Lived in was one thing, but the mess had surpassed that description by now and was teetering on the edge of disaster.

Paint-covered towels were slung over the couch, paintbrushes lay drying by the kitchen sink along with a few dishes, a pile of used herb clippings sat on the counter threatening to blow away with the slightest breeze, and the bed lay unmade with the quilt hanging half-on, half-off.

“Maybe Irving’s right,” I mused. “This place could use a deep cleaning.”