Irving paused, watching me carefully, as if he were seeing me for the first time. “I never thought about it before,” he admitted. “I apologize, my studies haven’t led to much knowledge about faefolk.”
I waved my hand at him. “No need to apologize. It’s not your job to learn about my kind. It helps that we’re not one of the more historically feared types of monsters as well, so there’s less written about us because everyone sort of accepted us long ago and let us blend in with humankind.”
“That is unfortunately very true.” Irving lowered his head, playing with the tassel on the throw pillow tucked under his arm. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll just wash up and go to bed. I would head home, but it’s too dark for me to go back now, and my car’s still at the library.”
“You could have driven,” I told him.
“Down that road?” he scoffed. “I would rather have to replace my glasses than my car.”
I smiled. “Fair enough. The bathroom is through that door over there, and I’ll blow out all the candles once you’re safely in bed.”
“Oh, I was going to sleep on the couch.”
“I would never force a guest of your size to sleep on a tiny couch like this. Please, take my bed. It’s a bit small, but it will certainly be more comfortable than this lumpy old thing.” I patted the couch and for a second, I thought I might get a laugh or even a smile from Irving.
But he turned his head away from me before I could see his expression, getting up and disappearing behind the bathroom door.
It was getting increasingly difficult to keep lying to myself. I wanted Sylvan. I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted another man before. To make it worse, I knew he would jump on a chance to sleep with me if I let him, but I couldn’t give in that easily. I still didn’t see how a relationship between us would work out, and I didn’t want a fae scorned at the end of all this.
My last relationship had ended badly enough. My ex-fiancé, as much as I once loved him deeply, destroyed everything we had by going out and cheating on me with another man. Then he admitted to it, his excuse being that he’d gotten bored and needed to spice things up, his excuse was that he’d gotten bored and needed to spice things up.
I broke things off after that, vowing never to get into another romantic relationship again – until the matchmaking service came into my life. And now I was spending the night in a fae’s house – a fae whom I’d only met hours before and was undeniably attracted to.
I turned on the faucet, carefully set my glasses on the edge of the sink, and splashed my face with cool, refreshing water. The scrape on my cheek burned as my fingers brushed against it. Sylvan put some sort of salve on it that helped take away the redness, but it had since absorbed into my skin and I didn’t think it mattered if I washed the residue away.
I took my time in the bathroom, hoping Sylvan would already be tucked into his makeshift couch bed by the time I came back out. Instead, he was sitting on the side of the bed when I merged, ankles crossed and nose buried in a book.
“What are you reading?” I asked.
He jumped, startled, and set the book down beside him. “Oh, nothing,” he said dismissively, covering up the title with his hand.
“I’m an avid enjoyer of books myself,” I told him. “I might have heard of it. Please, tell me what it’s called.”
“It’s a silly little romance novel,” he admitted, his freckled cheeks turning rosy. “I find reading heavier books only brings my mood down, but romance never does that.”
I stifled a laugh. I did not find the same pleasure in reading romance books that others did, but it would be rude of me to put down something Sylvan enjoyed while I was a guest in his own house, especially after my faux pas over the paintings.
“I definitely haven’t read it, then,” I told him. “No matter. If you enjoy it, that’s what’s important.”
He narrowed his eyes. Had I come off a little too condescending? Or was it something I said earlier in the conversation? I could hardly remember if I did something to offend him, but as I wracked my brain, he patted the bed beside him.
“Come, sit.”
I joined him on the edge of the bed, moving the book to the side table. I glanced at the title, Painted Love. I didn’t recognize it, but it sounded like the exact kind of sappy love story Sylvan would enjoy. When I looked back up, he was watching me, his eyes twinkling in the candlelight.
My heart began to thrum faster in my chest, pounding in my ears. I’d already vowed not to do this, yet here I was, mere inches away from the creature I so desperately wanted to be with.
“I was thinking,” Sylvan said softly, the words exiting his mouth with all the sweetness and tenderness of a sun-ripened berry, “we might share the bed tonight. What do you think?”
He waited for my response. I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to tell him yes, knowing full well what that would lead us to, but if I did that, all the effort I’d put in to stay away from his charms throughout the evening would be for nothing.
“I think…Isn’t it a bit small for two of us?”
“Not really. I’ve brought many men home before and it works quite well, and I – I made a mistake bringing that up, didn’t I?”